Home Health How To Make Rajasthani-Style Ker Sangri Achaar – A Flavourful Achaar To Pair With Meals

How To Make Rajasthani-Style Ker Sangri Achaar – A Flavourful Achaar To Pair With Meals

How To Make Rajasthani-Style Ker Sangri Achaar – A Flavourful Achaar To Pair With Meals


Indian meals are incomplete with out pickles (achaar). These flavourful pickles have accompanied nearly each meal in an Indian family. Be it the citrusy nimbu ka achaar, fiery mirch ka achaar or the tangy aam ka achaar, there is no dearth of achaar varieties on the market. They are oozing with flavours and may immediately improve the style of any dish by a number of notches. The better part is that achaar goes with something and all the pieces. Considering this, right here we convey you a scrumptious achaar recipe from the state of Rajasthan. It is the traditional ker sangri achaar.  

Also learn: How To Make Rajasthani-Style Hari Mirch Ka Achaar In Just 10 Mins

Ker sangri achaar is a Rajasthani delicacy product of pickled ker (berries) and sangri (beans). This achaar is extremely distinctive and has a really distinctive style. It is important to soak ker berries in water in a single day as they’re fairly bitter. This helps in lowering their sourness. This spicy and tangy achaar can be an ideal addition to your on a regular basis meals. Wondering learn how to make it? Check out the recipe under: 


Photo Credit: Instagrammed by @meena_niloo

Ker Sangri Achaar Recipe: How To Make Rajasthani-Style Ker Sangri Achaar 

To start with the recipe, you first want to clean the dried ker and sangri 5-6 instances with water. Now soak them individually in water in a single day. Drain the water the subsequent morning. Boil water in two pans and prepare dinner ker and sangri individually till tender. Once accomplished, drain the water and unfold them out on a clear material and allow them to dry utterly. 

Next, warmth some oil in a wok. Add dana methi, hing, kalonji, fennel seeds, crushed dry purple chillies and bay leaf. Once they begin spluttering, decrease the flame. Now, add sieved boiled ker and sangri. Add purple chilli powder, haldi, amchoor powder, rai and salt. Mix effectively. Allow it to prepare dinner for round 4-5 minutes. Remove from warmth and blend all the pieces effectively. Rajasthani-style ker sangri achaar is prepared! 

For the entire recipe of Rajasthani-style ker sangri achaar, click here. 

For extra pickle recipes, click here.  

Now that you understand how to make it, strive it at house and share your expertise with us within the feedback part under.  

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