Home Health How To Make Spicy Maharashtrian Patwadi Rassa At Home (Easy Recipe Inside)

How To Make Spicy Maharashtrian Patwadi Rassa At Home (Easy Recipe Inside)

How To Make Spicy Maharashtrian Patwadi Rassa At Home (Easy Recipe Inside)


The rains are nearly right here and we’re already craving some warmth in our meals. As the climate turns cooler and storms strategy, we like to take pleasure in spicy treats. Don’t you? Rather than the common fried snacks, we invite you to attempt a standard dish as we speak. This meals merchandise, which is from Maharashtra, is stuffed with a wide range of flavours and textures that you’ll lose your self in. It is named Patwadi Rassa and it may be a healthful alternative to your subsequent lunch or dinner. Find out extra under.
Also Read: Love Maharashtrian Food? Try These 7 Easy Recipes Ready In Under 30 Minutes

What Is Patwadi Rassa?


The besan vadis are combined in with the rassa. Photo Credit: iStock

Patwadi Rassa is a Maharashtrian delicacy the place flavourful besan vadis are paired with a spicy rassa (curry-like preparation) that may then be eaten with bhakri or rice. Unlike common curries with veggies/ hen/ meat/ fish, this dish has items of vadis in it. This is what makes it extra attention-grabbing. The besan vadis (additionally referred to as patwadi or thapi vadi) may be loved as a snack by themselves. But savouring them with the rassa shouldn’t be missed both.
Also Read: Maharashtrian Snack Recipe: How To Make Kothimbir Vadi In 15 mins

How To Make Patwadi Rassa At Home | Quick And Easy Recipe For Maharashtrian Thapi Vadi And Rassa

This recipe has two elements: the primary for making the patwadi and the second for the rassa.

Part 1: Patwadi | Thapi Vadi


Thapi vadi generally is a snack by itself. Photo Credit: iStock

Make a lump-free batter by mixing the besan and water. Set apart for 10 minutes. Form a rough, dry combination by grinding ginger, garlic, inexperienced chillies and curry leaves. In a kadhai, warmth oil and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and asafoetida. Then add the bottom masala paste ready earlier, together with turmeric powder, salt and a few water. Stir to combine and convey to a boil.

Lower the warmth and add within the besan batter to the kadhai whereas stirring constantly. Continue mixing until the combination thickens to get a sticky dough-like texture. Transfer the combination onto a greased plate/ thali. Flatten it evenly utilizing your palm/ spatula. Allow to chill for five minutes after which minimize into diamond shapes to type the patwadis. Keep apart.

Part 2: Rassa


Goda masala – the Maharashtrian spice combine – is used to carry warmth to this dish. Photo Credit: iStock

Heat 1 tbsp oil in a kadhai and add asafoetida, onions, ginger, and garlic. Saute till onions flip translucent. Add the dry coconut (khopra), turmeric powder, poppy seeds and sesame seeds. Saute for two minutes. Once the combination cools, grind it with coriander leaves to get a clean paste.

Heat oil once more in a kadhai and add cumin seeds in addition to bay leaves. Add the bottom combination and saute for a couple of minutes. Mix within the goda masala, sizzling water and salt to style. Stir constantly and pour in additional cups of sizzling water. Bring this to a boil on low flame. Submerge the patwadis within the rassa simply earlier than serving. Relish sizzling with bhakris, rice, pav, and so on.

Click here for the full recipe for Patwadi Rassa

The subsequent time you are craving a spicy and distinctive dish, attempt making this one. Let us know the way it seems!
Also Read: How To Make Yummy Maharashtrian Phodnicha Bhaat At Home (Quick Recipe Inside)

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