Home Latest If the US Bans TikTok, WeChat Might Be Next

If the US Bans TikTok, WeChat Might Be Next

If the US Bans TikTok, WeChat Might Be Next


The platform additionally seems to be weak to censorship and algorithmic manipulation. This month, an organization govt brazenly mentioned they’d overridden the app’s algorithm to push content material on TikTok, and the platform has been reported to suppress content material from customers with Down syndrome, autism, and different disabilities, in addition to customers deemed “poor or ugly.” The app’s moderators have additionally censored videos on Tiananmen Square and Tibetan independence, which implies customers within the US are offered with China’s model of the story. It’s these elements that increase pink flags for disinformation and cybersecurity specialists.

“The things that keep me up at night with this are the more difficult things to understand—the aggregate, the larger picture, the propaganda—things that can be done at scale to move a whole population one or two ticks,” says Adam Marrè, a former FBI cyber particular agent and the chief info safety officer at Arctic Wolf, a cybersecurity firm in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, including that “psychological models and the interactive nature” of apps like TikTok go away room for political manipulation as nicely. 

Maureen Shanahan, the director of world company communications at TikTok, denied studies that the app censors info, saying: “TikTok does not allow the practices you claim, and anyone can go on the app today and find content that’s critical of the Chinese government.”

Whether the federal government’s issues over censorship are sufficient to justify banning the service, or whether or not common customers face a direct threat, isn’t clear.

“I think it’s fair to say the conversation is driven by fear,” says Dakota Cary, a fellow on the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and a advisor at Krebs Stamos Group, a cybersecurity consulting agency in Washington, D.C. “The core experience in this conversation is fear. Are we subject to influence that we don’t know about? Is this an attack? I don’t think that making policy decisions from a place of fear leads to good decisions.”

Analysts level out that there are additionally double requirements at play within the debate round information safety. “Everybody does it—not just TikTok. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, you name it. If you’re not paying for an amazing service, then you are part of the product, and being part of the product means that your information is being taken and monetized,” Marrè says.

The cause that TikTok, of the entire Chinese-owned apps, has confronted such intense stress is especially due to its scale and attain. “There’s a huge difference between TikTok and those others,” Marrè says. “Even though they’re in the top 20, TikTok is the Leviathan.” 

But, analysts say, if a ban on TikTok does go forward, there’s a powerful probability that WeChat may very well be subsequent. 

Cociani says that banning the platform within the US “would be a highly escalatory move,” and will worsen relations with China. And, it is likely to be counterproductive. 

“It would render overall international communication harder and possibly more expensive,” Cociani says. “WeChat users in banned jurisdictions would need to resort to VPNs in a bid to bypass the ban—or their families and contacts would need to use VPNs to bypass Chinese censorship on foreign apps, such as WhatsApp and Facebook.” 

In New York, that’s what Zhou worries about—his dad and mom getting reduce off on a whim.  “I think it’s valid that there are security concerns … but I also don’t think an outright ban of it—it’s just not the right way to go about approaching things,” Zhou says. “I mean, any app could collect data. How far does it reach? Like, any non-friendly US country? It just has a lot of ramifications.”

A ban could be devastating for older generations, he says, including that it will take away them from an “ecosystem” of household, buddies, and companies housed in between the US and China.

“We … could probably figure something out and teach them to at least be in contact with us, but just removing the main sources of communication and entertainment from them? It’ll be tough for them,” Zhou mentioned. “It’s not only people in China, it’s people here.”

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