When COVID-19 first canceled spring sports back in May, it felt like the fall sports season was also in jeopardy for the following school year. And while the season may look very different this fall, sports in Section 5 have officially started as

Everybody was extremely happy to be back in action, but coaches did recognize that things would look quite a bit different. If fans are allowed, they will certainly not pack the stands, teammates are always six feet away and the players are constantly wearing masks.

“Right from the get-go, all of their equipment and bags, we are just trying to keep it along the fence and six feet apart. It’s new for all of us. There was a little bit of bellyaching about the masks today, but I think it was harder for me than it was for them. I think everybody was just so excited to be out here,” said Hornell High boys soccer coach Jim Tobin. “Modifying-wise, we are just making sure to wash the pinnies and keep everything up to code. But if that’s all we have to do to get out here and play, we are more than willing.”

While Section 5 and other regions in the state are restarting sports, Section 4 moved all fall sports to 2021, when it will be played in a condensed season.

Hornell girls soccer coach Mike Wilkinson discussed how the guidelines are constantly changing, and that being vigilant in staying up-to-date is the only way to ensure the student’s safety.

“The guidance seems like it is continuously changing, and the biggest thing for us is to just pay attention to every single rule and bit of guidance that we get so that these guys are safe, and they don’t shut us down,” said Wilkinson.

Unfortunately, no amount of precautions on the sports field is going to save the general population from possibly experiencing a resurgence of cases. And if this happens, players and coaches are very aware of how the season could be ended at any point in time. Nobody wants another stoppage, but it is an unfortunate reality of sports in 2020-21, and coaches have made sure that their athletes know that they must take advantage of every second they have on the field.

“We had a nice conversation where we talked to the kids. All of those who play spring sports know what it is like to lose a season, and they know that it really could happen at any time. So let’s just take advantage of every second that we have out here as a team and just enjoy it,” said Tobin.

“This could be our last day or we could have two months. We just don’t know. If we are lucky enough to be here right now, you have to make the most of it. Don’t take anything for granted because it might stop and not be able to get going again,” said Wilkinson.

The season could last a day, week or it might make it over the months. But even if they only get one day of practice, it was an exciting day, and all involved are hoping to keep it going for as long as they can.

“We’ve done some nice things over the summer, but it’s so different now to have them all here and focused. The nice thing about coaching a fall sport this year, is that it’s been a long spring and summer, so they are really eager to get out there and go. It’s really fun to be out here with them,” said Tobin.

“It’s awesome to be out here. It’s better than a regular first day, because you don’t have to worry about bringing the intensity. You can just tell that these kids are ready to get after it. They are excited to be back on their own field,” said Wilkinson.

“We are all excited.