Home Health Independence Day 2020: 7 Best Desi Tricolour Recipes To Bring Out The Patriot Within

Independence Day 2020: 7 Best Desi Tricolour Recipes To Bring Out The Patriot Within

Independence Day 2020: 7 Best Desi Tricolour Recipes To Bring Out The Patriot Within


Independence Day 2020: Make these delicious Desi tricolour recipes today.


  • India celebrates its 74th Independence Day on 15th August 2020
  • Tricolour recipes are a must on Independence Day
  • Here are a few Indian recipes you can recreate on this day

India celebrates its 74th Independence Day on 15th August, 2020. This day is of vital significance to the entire nation as it marks the day the country was freed from the colonial rule by the British. The joy of watching the tricolour unfurl at the Red Fort at New Delhi is truly something which awakens the patriot within. And what better way to celebrate the day than by bringing out our favourite Desi recipes? These delicious Desi tricolour recipes are perfect to be made on the joyous occasion and bring out the best of your cooking prowess.

Here Are 7 Best Desi Tricolour Recipes: 

1. Tricolour South Indian Style Sabzi 

Carrots and cabbages are the perfect pairing, and this South Indian style preparation made with mustard seeds and curry leaves tastes delicious with every bite. Click here for the recipe. 

2. Tricolour Kheer

Kheer is a hot favourite dessert among all age groups, and what better way to innovate with it than by making it tricolour? Add saffron and pistachios to small portions of your regular kheer and your delicious tricolour preparation is ready! Click here for a simple kheer recipe. 

3. Tricolour Paniyaram aka Appe

Paniyaram or Appe is a tasty and wholesome snack which can be eaten at any time of the day. Add some grated carrots or chopped capsicums to your batter to give it an interesting twist. And pair it with tricolour tomato, pudina and coconut chutneys too! To learn how to make appe, click here

4. Tricolour Lasooni Palak Paneer With Tofu And Makhani Gravy

Lasooni Palak Paneer is a must-have dish on this day, and the preparation becomes tricolour with Tofu and Makhani gravyon the side. Click here for the full recipe. 

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np08kmcgThis delicious tricolour dish will win you over. 

5. Tricolour Uttapam

Uttapam batter is another one which can easily be transformed into a tricolour one by simply adding grated or chopped veggies to it. You can find an easy Uttapam recipe here

6. Tricolour Pulao

Who doesn’t love Pulao right? Transform your regular Pulao dish with a delightful addition of tomato and spinach puree to the rice. You can also add vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and peas to bring out the colour even further. Click here for the full recipe. 

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si37hn3gTiranga Pulao is a must-have on Independence Day. 

7. Tricolour Dhokla

The classic Dhokla is a hit with everyone, so why not make the tricolour version of it? This recipe uses Sooji batter and adds some unique elements to give it colour. Here’s an easy dhokla recipe

Happy Independence Day 2020!

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.


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