Home FEATURED NEWS India extends RBI deputy governor Patra’s tenure by a 12 months -sources

India extends RBI deputy governor Patra’s tenure by a 12 months -sources



NEW DELHI, Jan 9 (Reuters) – The Indian authorities has prolonged the tenure of central financial institution deputy governor Michael Patra for a interval of 1 12 months, in keeping with two banking and authorities sources.

His tenure, which was as a consequence of finish this week, has been prolonged till Jan. 15, 2024, the 2 sources, who didn’t need to be named, instructed Reuters.

Patra, a profession central banker, was first appointed as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India in January 2020 for a three-year time period. He handles the essential financial coverage and financial analysis departments, amongst others, and can be a member of India’s financial coverage committee.

Reporting by Nikunj Ohri
Editing by Mark Heinrich

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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