Home Crime India has a lacking ladies disaster it wants to handle now

India has a lacking ladies disaster it wants to handle now

India has a lacking ladies disaster it wants to handle now


“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” — Audre Lorde

The distressing situation of lacking ladies has lengthy solid a shadow over India’s various panorama. In a nation recognized for its cultural richness and variety, the revelation of the pervasive actuality of lacking ladies and ladies is deeply disheartening. The monsoon session of Parliament introduced this situation to the forefront of public consideration. To a query I raised within the House, the response offered by the minister was both chilling and profoundly moving.

The problem

What the nation must know is that throughout the vibrant tapestry of India’s societal material, the startling reality concerning the magnitude of lacking ladies and ladies emerges as a sombre reminder of gender equality and the steeply uphill battle in opposition to gender-based violence, human trafficking, and discriminatory practices. Recent authorities knowledge has unveiled a staggering determine of lacking women and girls, between 2019 and 2021, which is over 1.31 million!

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report reveals that greater than one million ladies above 18 years of age and 1 / 4 of one million ladies beneath the age of 18 have gone lacking throughout this timeframe. These numbers lay naked the vulnerability of ladies and ladies throughout the expansive panorama of India. It underscores the complicated and urgent challenges of what we as a civilised society should face, and what the nation should essentially fight.

Initiated by a directive from the Supreme Court of India in 2019, the sooner evaluation undertaken by the NCRB aimed to establish areas inclined to baby and ladies trafficking. As per this evaluation, the causes of those disappearances are complicated and multifaceted, starting from psychological well being points and miscommunication to home violence and prison victimisation. Yet, the persistent menace of trafficking for compelled marriages, baby labour, home servitude, and sexual exploitation continues to loom ominously. Numbers in states could fluctuate, however the issue exists nearly in all places.

Zooming out to the worldwide context, the 2018 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Report on Trafficking in Persons sheds gentle on the disproportionate victimisation of females in trafficking for sexual exploitation. This grim revelation serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive gender-based violence and exploitation that persist worldwide.

Delving again into the nationwide panorama, the phenomenon of ‘missing women’ paints a deeply regarding image. As of 2019, whereas Maharashtra led the nation within the variety of lacking ladies, carefully trailed by Madhya Pradesh and adopted by West Bengal, these states stand because the epicentres of vulnerability. Notably, as per the report, metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, and Indore have reported alarmingly excessive incidents of such disappearances.

Missing ladies

Throughout their life gender discrimination in opposition to ladies stays ingrained throughout the whole strata of society. The time period ‘missing women’ encapsulates the disparity between the anticipated and precise depend of ladies inside a particular area, or nation. This discrepancy is rooted in multifaceted components like sex-selective abortions, feminine infanticide, and inadequate healthcare and nourishment for younger ladies. Coined by Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen, this time period encapsulates the profound repercussions of gender-based bias and the discrimination that moves from cradle to grave.

Regrettably, the depend of ‘missing women’ has witnessed an alarming surge, greater than doubling over the previous 5 a long time, surging from 61 million in 1970 to an astonishing aggregate of 142.6 million by 2020. In this disconcerting development, India’s contribution is staggering, accounting for 45.8 million absent ladies as of 2020. This signifies that the prevailing authorities initiatives are main us nowhere.

The prevalence of gender-biased intercourse choice and the following mortality of feminine infants play a pivotal position in perpetuating this distressing phenomenon. The elevated fee of surplus feminine deaths in India casts a grim gentle on the fact that roughly one in 9 feminine deaths below the age of 5 could also be attributed to postnatal intercourse choice.


Looking ahead, nations which have ratified worldwide treaties should tackle the duty of ending hurt in opposition to ladies, no matter whether or not it’s perpetuated by members of the family, non secular teams, and even the State. The street forward calls for collective efforts from society, governmental our bodies, and worldwide organisations to handle the urgent situation of lacking ladies in India. By tackling the foundation causes and fostering a tradition of gender equality, a brighter and safer future for girls and ladies throughout India may be achieved.

From silence to solidarity, we have to progress in the direction of constructing a world the place no girl goes lacking!

(Fauzia Khan, former Minister of State in Government of Maharashtra, is Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. Twitter: @DrFauziaKhanNCP)

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the writer’s personal. They don’t essentially mirror the views of DH.

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