Home FEATURED NEWS India horror: Terrified dogs wait to be slaughtered for meat in wet markets

India horror: Terrified dogs wait to be slaughtered for meat in wet markets

India horror: Terrified dogs wait to be slaughtered for meat in wet markets


Traders across India have been found selling animal body parts, including charred monkey hands, in disgusting wet markets. Dogs have been spotted tied up in sacks waiting to be slaughtered.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have slammed the disgusting footage and said it shows “rampant violations” of animal welfare and wildlife protection.

PETA’s director Elisa Allen said: “Places such as these, crammed full of sick and distressed animals, are breeding grounds for deadly diseases.

“As long as live-animal markets are allowed to operate, humans will continue to be at risk and countless animals will needlessly endure miserable lives and a violent, painful death.”

Meat from monkeys, porcupines, barking dear, wild boars and migratory birds were discovered to be sold illegally in Manipur’s Nute Bazaar.

Terrified dogs wait to be slaughtered in India

Terrified dogs wait to be slaughtered in India (Image: Getty/Peta)

Monkey hands were sold in wet markets in India

Monkey hands were sold in wet markets in India (Image: Peta)

In Churchandpur market, PETA found more meat from monkeys, wild boar and deer sold illegally on the market.

Monkey hands were lined up on a sheet along with chunks of meat in the horrific footage.

Despicably, captured dogs were killed and sold for meat at Keera Bazaar in Dimapur, in Nagaland, despite there being a ban on sale of dog meat from the start of July.

India went back into lockdown after experiencing a record spike in coronavirus cases.

READ MORE: Wet markets STILL trading despite coronavirus outbreak – PICTURED

Horrifying footage shows meat still being sold

Horrifying footage shows meat still being sold (Image: Peta)

Health officials announced new infection cases had risen from 906,752 to 936,181 – a staggering increase of 29,429.

Only the US and Brazil has surpassed the million infection cases but India is creeping closer to the milestone figure.

It was reported 582 people had died from the virus, bringing the total to 24,309.

But it appears Indian traders have no care for the deadly outbreak of coronavirus, which reportedly began in an exotic meat market in China.

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Animals brutally killed in India's wet markets

Animals brutally killed in India’s wet markets (Image: Peta)

China claims the virus was passed naturally from animal to humans from the market.

Last month, Beijing was forced to closed Xinfadi Market after coronavirus cases began to soar again.

Furthermore, the Communist nation is also battling with an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague.

This is believed to have been caused from the hunting and eating of wild marmots across the country.

Large chunks of meat exposed in Indian wet markets

Large chunks of meat exposed in Indian wet markets (Image: Peta)

Not only have China and India been exposed for the abhorrent treatment of animals but shocking footage from Vietnam between February and March saw frogs having legs cut off and skinned dogs on tables.

Chickens and ducks were left cramped in cages beside decapitated creatures while workers were seen without wearing face masks or gloves.

The World Health Organisation has urged conditions like this to be scrapped as they risk both human and animal lives.

They said: “It increases the risk of contamination of the meat with food borne pathogens.”

Fish intestines spread across wet market

Fish intestines spread across wet market (Image: Peta)

Animal rights group, Open Cages, alongside PETA, have called for the global end of these disgusting wet markets.

Open Cages CEO Connor Jackson said: “When will we learn?

“The COVID-19 outbreak has exposed how fragile, cruel and dangerous wet markets are.

“So we can’t leave animal wellbeing and safety of humanity in the hands of ineffective regulations.”


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