Home FEATURED NEWS India unlikely to hitch Kyiv grain initiative : The Tribune India

India unlikely to hitch Kyiv grain initiative : The Tribune India



Tribune News Service

Sandeep Dikshit

New Delhi, December 29

Despite high-level conversations, together with between NSA Ajit Doval and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s shut aide Andriy Yermak, India is unlikely to hitch the Ukraine ‘grain corridor’, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) mentioned on Thursday, stating that India had in place bilateral mechanisms to increase foodgrain help to nations in want.

“We have been extending assistance to countries from the South bilaterally. I don’t have any clarity if we will join, probably not. Our focus has been on bilateral South-South mechanisms,” mentioned MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi. “As of now, I don’t have intimation that we are looking to join this initiative,” he added.

Ukraine mentioned it had helped ease excessive cooking oil costs in India by sending 37,500 tonnes of sunflower oil in the previous couple of weeks. The Initiative on the Safe Transportation of Grain and Foodstuffs from Ukrainian ports (Black Sea Grain Initiative), is an settlement between Russia and Ukraine made with Turkey and the UN.

The MEA’s observations come in opposition to the backdrop of Ukraine reaching out to India on a number of fronts to wean it away from Russia as oblique western efforts led by the US and the UK have had no affect on South Block’s place on the battle.

According to Zelenskyy’s official web site, Doval and Yermak spoke on December 8 and mentioned the “grain from Ukraine” initiative.

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