Home FEATURED NEWS India: Why is Gautam Adani so thinking about NDTV? | Media

India: Why is Gautam Adani so thinking about NDTV? | Media



From: The Listening Post

A billionaire turns into the biggest shareholder in a information channel in India – what’s the fear? Plus, an Italian information web site is difficult a lot larger media gamers.

Gautam Adani – India’s richest man with shut ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi – is within the midst of a takeover of NDTV, a information community thought-about one of many final bastions of important journalism on the Indian airwaves. If the sale does undergo – what are the possibilities that Adani will prioritise his relationship with energy over the channel’s independence?

Ravi Nair – Journalist & commentator
Raksha Kumar – Mumbai-based journalist
Atul Chaurasia – Executive editor, Newslaundry
Kapil Komireddi – Author, Malevolent Republic

On our radar:

Meta – the corporate that owns Facebook – is being sued for almost $2bn for allegedly not adequately monitoring violent and hateful posts from Ethiopia on its platform. Producer Meenakshi Ravi has the small print of the case.

Changing the Face(e-book) of Italy’s media panorama

In the last decade since its start, Fanpage has grown from a Facebook web page to an award-winning investigative information web site, steadily reshaping the staid Italian media panorama. Producer Flo Phillips studies, from Naples, on how the Facebook page-turned-news supply symbolises a shift within the nation’s media.

Gaia Martignetti – Video reporter, Fanpage
Francesco Cancellato – Editor-in-chief, Fanpage
Alessio Cornia – Research affiliate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford

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