Home Health Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Refreshing Pyaaz Ka Raita At Home In 10 Minutes

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Refreshing Pyaaz Ka Raita At Home In 10 Minutes

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Refreshing Pyaaz Ka Raita At Home In 10 Minutes


Raita is a great accompaniment to amp your meal during the sweltering summer season.


  • Raita comes as a respite in summers, bringing about a cooling effect
  • It is light, refreshing and can be paired with countless dishes
  • Here’s a delicious pyaaz ka raita recipe that you can try at home

Think of summers and the thought of chilled and cooling foods and beverages will instantly cloud your mind. While refreshing drinks like smoothies, juices and shakes are the quintessential summer options, some certain sides and accompaniments balance our typical hot and spicy regular Indian meals with a cooling tinge. Raitas, for instance, is one of the most popular additions to our lunch and dinner table. Thanks to the yogurt present in it. Raitas are light on our stomach, cool, refreshing and incredibly easy and quick to put together.

Raita is a delicious way to amp up your regular yogurt. Beaten curd, mixed with veggies and spices, can enhance flavours and bring a variety to the meal when paired with regular parathas, pulao or biryani. To be true, a bowl of raita alone doesn’t even need another dish to be enjoyed! Moreover, there are so many interesting variations to it. From boondi raita to wholesome beetroot raita and to crunchy mixed veg raita, one can just not have enough of these. Here we have an interesting blend of onion raita that you’ll love!

(Also Read: 5 Vegetable Raita Recipes You Must Try This Summer Season)


With spicy flavours of green chilli, chilli powder, coriander and cumin whisked with onion, cream and yogurt, pyaaz ka raita makes for a truly versatile one that can be paired with just about anything and everything! Garnish with chilli powder and coriander leaves and you are good to go. In just about 10 minutes and with simple ingredients from your kitchen, you can whip up refreshing, chilled raita that can be paired with anything from a rich Indian curry to oil-laden parathas or a royal biryani. Have unexpected guests over? Just toss some onion with yogurt and spices and even serve with nachos! You can control the thickness according to your preference by adding or reducing the amount of yogurt and cream.

Find the full recipe of pyaaz ka raita here.

Try it at home and let us know your experience in the comments section below.

About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn’t share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.


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