Home FEATURED NEWS India’s Aadhaar put Japan far behind tech curve, Japanese ‘father of Internet’ admits

India’s Aadhaar put Japan far behind tech curve, Japanese ‘father of Internet’ admits



A prime Japanese technocrat, usually hailed because the ‘father of the internet’ in Japan, has lauded India’s Aadhaar and India Stack for placing the nation on the way in which of drastic technological developments whereas placing Japan far behind the know-how curve.



“We were far behind after the Indian deployment of Aadhaar and India stack, especially because we didn’t have the numbers,” Jun Murai mentioned whereas delivering a video tackle on the India Japan Science Technology Innovation Forum on the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru (IIT Bengaluru). 

He additionally added that India’s success within the tech sector had compelled different nations to alter and reform their methods. Murai mentioned Japan was now making an attempt to mimic what India did in serving to its distant villages and cities obtain entry to the web.

“We are doing what India has done much ahead of time in terms of facilitating small towns and villages with internet net access,” he mentioned.

Internet attain received a lift in the course of the COVID-19 years

Jun Murai, who’s also referred to as Internet Murai in Japan, mentioned that the three years of COVID-19 noticed quicker adoption of web and broadband internationally.

Drawing a parallel, Murai mentioned whereas solely 6 per cent of the worldwide inhabitants had entry to the web within the yr 2000, as we speak nearly 70 per cent of the world’s inhabitants is on-line.

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“In the last two decades, internet availability and adoption have rapidly grown, as internet and connectivity have become the core energy and core environment for all activities. However, the acceleration brought by the pandemic changed the pace all together,” he noticed.

Internet- A primary necessity

Murai additionally added that similar to energy, meals, transportation and provide chains, the web has turn into a essential infrastructure in as we speak’s age.

“Today, almost everybody is equipped with a supercomputer called a smartphone and everyone is connected and they have a lot of computing power attached to their body,” Murai mentioned.

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“In Ukraine, we found that electricity is key for digital infrastructure. Energy and communication must exist together to realise what we might today consider as “core infrastructure”, he famous.

(With inputs from businesses)

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