Home FEATURED NEWS India’s COVID-19 tally surpasses 29 lakh-mark; Maharashtra records highest one-day count

India’s COVID-19 tally surpasses 29 lakh-mark; Maharashtra records highest one-day count



Aug 21, 2020, 20.48PM

India’s COVID-19 tally surpassed the 29 lakh-mark on Friday morning while the daily testing scaled a new peak with over 9 lakh tests in a single day. With nearly 69,000 new cases, the total count of coronavirus cases has crossed 29 lakh mark. Maharashtra cases continue to notch a new high with each passing day. The state reported the highest single-day spike of 14,492 coronavirus cases, taking the overall count to 6.43 lakh. The death of 326 patients increased the toll to 21,359. Of the total cases, 3,659 were in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), including 1,275 in Mumbai city alone. In an exclusive interview with Mirror, Health Minister Rajesh Tope said that early response to the pandemic was hampered due to a shortage of human resources.

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