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Innovation and know-how alternatives rising in Hong Kong

Innovation and know-how alternatives rising in Hong Kong


Hong Kong SAR administration printed the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong in December 2017 with a imaginative and prescient of creating Hong Kong SAR right into a world-leading good metropolis. The Blueprint covers six areas – “smart mobility”, “smart living”, “smart environment”, “smart people”, “smart government” and “smart economy” -which included 70 initiatives. In 2020 it printed the Blueprint 2.0 with over 130 initiatives on metropolis administration measures and providers. Regulation of the digital financial system is already underway.

Innovation within the Greater Bay Area will get extra encouragement

The progress of I&T has prolonged to the Greater Bay Area (GBA), which has had extra encouragement and alternatives for the reason that late 2010s.

In China’s National 14th Five-Year Plan, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Cooperation Zone was included into one of many 4 main platforms of cooperation within the Greater Bay Area (GBA). The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Cooperation Zone contains the Hong Kong SAR-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone.

As a part of the Hong Kong funds for 2022-23, the Hong Kong SAR administration and the Shenzhen Municipal People’s authorities will collectively develop the Hong Kong SAR-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park on the 87-hectare Lok Ma Chau Loop, which would be the largest I&T platform in Hong Kong SAR. This quickly to be developed northern metropolis of Hong Kong will little question additional facilitate the move of expertise and scientific analysis sources throughout borders.

As of now, Hong Kong SAR has 16 state key laboratories and 6 Hong Kong branches of Chinese nationwide engineering analysis centres, and 22 joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Hong Kong SAR administration has invested over HK$150bn within the I&T sector up to now 4 years, amongst which one third was utilized in analysis and improvement (R&D).

For I&T development in the GBA, the Hong Kong SAR administration goals to encourage Guangdong, Hong Kong SAR and Macao enterprises and scientific analysis institutes to take part in worldwide I&T cooperation; to help technological infrastructure and technological innovation within the I&T sector; and to assist with the move of expertise and sources. It additionally intends to facilitate R&D collaboration, together with by enabling eligible larger training establishments and R&D institutes in Hong Kong SAR to use for Mainland know-how tasks, and to make use of related funding in each locations based on the laws; to handle the cross-boundary use of medical knowledge and bio-samples crucial for R&D collaboration tasks; and to check facilitation measures referring to immigration to encourage exchanges between technological and educational expertise.

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