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Insects and excrement: Tales of teamwork and know-how

Insects and excrement: Tales of teamwork and know-how


Dung beetles’ love language

Two dung beetles helping each other roll a dung ball over an obstacle.

Credit: Claudia Tocco

Relationship objectives: Sisyphus dung beetle {couples} work collectively to maneuver dung balls over obstacles.

Good communication and cooperation aren’t simply vital for wholesome human relationships. They’re invaluable to dung beetles as nicely. A latest examine discovered that some dung beetle species work collectively in male-female pairs to maneuver their prized dung balls over obstacles as they seek for someplace to put their eggs (Proc. R. Soc. B 2024, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.2621).

For dung beetles, poop can serve a number of functions. It generally is a tasty meal or a larva nursery, also called a brood ball. For the latter, dung beetles are inclined to pair off after which roll the poop into extra manageable-sized spheres and push them to safer areas earlier than laying their eggs in them. In most circumstances, nevertheless, “the male is doing all the work,” says Claudia Tocco, a biologist at Lund University and one of many examine’s authors. The feminine, in the meantime, normally simply follows behind or “uses the ball like a taxi,” she tells Newscripts.

But Tocco and her colleagues observed that two dung beetle species—Sisyphus fasciculatus and Sisyphus schaefferi—favor a extra even division of labor. Like different dung beetles, the Sisyphus females don’t contribute a lot when the male is rolling the ball over flat floor. However, as quickly because the couple comes throughout an impediment like a tree root or—within the case of the examine—plywood rings of various heights, the feminine springs to motion.

When the male begins to drag the brood ball over the difficult terrain, the feminine locations herself beneath the ball and pushes it upward in a movement that Tocco says seems to be like a one-arm handstand. While pushing, the feminine beetle additionally stabilizes each the ball and her male companion in order that neither comes tumbling again down.

What makes this collaborative effort much more fascinating, Tocco says, is that the female and male are working collectively regardless of not having a set vacation spot in thoughts. Unlike ants, the dung beetles pair roll their prize away from the dung pile first and work out the main points later.

It’s nearly as if the female and male Sisyphus beetles have silently agreed to belief one another—the feminine trusts that the male will navigate to a superb nesting web site, and the male trusts that the feminine will help him alongside the way in which.

Aside from the poop, it sounds type of romantic. Maybe people might study a factor or two from these fascinating bugs.

Cicada pee within the forecast

Cicada standing on a tree branch.

Credit: Shutterstock

Unique urination: Cicadas pee in highly effective jets as soon as considered unimaginable for a bug their measurement.

People residing within the southern and midwestern US would possibly wish to keep away from trying up when standing beneath a tree this spring. In a uncommon occasion, two broods of cicadas will concurrently emerge from the bottom and take to the branches overhead, the place they’ll inevitably expel highly effective jets of pee that may bathe anybody under.

According to a brand new examine, cicadas urinate in a strong stream, which researchers beforehand believed to be unimaginable for an insect their measurement (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2024, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2317878121). Scientists as soon as thought that solely animals weighing over 3 kg produced jets of urine. However, for bugs, it’s normally energetically extra favorable to pee in droplets due to floor stress, says Saad Bhamla, a biophysicist on the Georgia Institute of Technology and one of many examine’s authors.

While on an unrelated subject examine in Peru, Bhamla and Elio Challita, a biophysicist now at Harvard University, noticed the cicadas breaking this rule.

Bhamla and Challita consider that cicadas are able to utilizing this distinctive peeing model as a result of their giant measurement relative to different bugs—a few of these bugs are larger than hummingbirds. From the second they emerge, cicadas are additionally on a mission to drink tons of nutritionally poor sap. “They have to process huge amounts [of sap] to get enough energy out,” Bhamla tells Newscripts. Pee jets assist the cicadas course of these giant volumes of meals.

But why can we care how cicadas pee? Because cicadas can encourage new applied sciences, particularly in microfluidics, Bhamla says. Cicadas are “a tiny package with a lot of pumping capabilities and energetics.” But greater than that, cicadas’ distinctive urination model provides one more fascinating reality about an animal that scientists nonetheless know little or no about. “They have so many enigmas. We just added one more to the list,” Bhamla says.

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