Home Entertainment Inside Pooja Bhatt’s birthday celebration

Inside Pooja Bhatt’s birthday celebration

Inside Pooja Bhatt’s birthday celebration

Actor and filmmaker Pooja Bhatt celebrates her birthday in the company of sisters Alia Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt. Her dad Mahesh took to Instagram to post a heart-warming picture of the his three children.

Sharing the picture, he wrote: “I did not give you the gift of life, but rather, life gave me the gift of you. Happy birthday Pooja!” In the picture, a beaming Alia and Shaheen stand next to Pooja, with a bouquet and gifts in front of them. Pooja holds a note in her hand, perhaps, what her sisters have written for her. The gift includes cactus and a potted plant and other items, suitably gift-wrapped.

The picture got a comment from Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan who wrote: “Now that’s lovely. Happy Birthday dear Pooja.” Pooja is working with her father Mahesh on his next project, Sadak 2 and routinely posts pictures from the shoot. Sharing one picture of her looking into the monitor, she had written, “The monitor at the monitor.”

Pooja is quite vocal on issues that interest or concern her. Speaking out against Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC), she had recently said that she opposed it as it divided her family. “I implore our leaders to listen to the voices that have risen in the country. The women in India, at Shaheen Bagh and Lucknow… We’ll not stop until we are heard loud and clear. I’d implore people to speak up more. I don’t support CAA & NRC as it divides my house,” ANI quoted her as saying.

Pooja has battled alcoholism in the past. Speaking about how she fought it and has been sober for nearly three years, she had written on Instagram: “Two years & ten months sober today.. time to reflect on the past & absorb the now.. Kal Kisne Dekha after all? To any and all of you who are battling your demons & grappling with addiction issues,know that you’re not alone. If I could do it,you can too. And if you flounder or fall, pick yourself up and keep going.. the rewards are multiple in more ways than one!”


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