Home FEATURED NEWS Instagram launches Reels in India after TikTok ban

Instagram launches Reels in India after TikTok ban

Instagram launches Reels in India after TikTok ban


By: Tech Desk | New Delhi |

Updated: July 8, 2020 2:35:26 pm

instagram reels, instagram, reels India is the fourth country, after Brazil, Germany, and France, where this new Instagram video format is being tested. (Image: Instagram)

Instagram has launched its own short video feature called Reels in India. The new feature lets users create videos on the app, add creative filters and music and share it beyond their regular followers, said Vishal Shah, VP of Product, Facebook. Reels is similar to TikTok and allows users to create 15 seconds video with popular songs, trends, or challenges.

Shah says the product comes from the realisation that 45 per cent of videos on Instagram are 15 seconds or less. “We also realised that stories are not the only place where they wanted to share these videos as they wanted them to stick on for longer and be distributed beyond their followers,” he said in the video call.

The new feature lets users shoot video, add filters and music from Instagram’s catalogue and share it beyond the platform. Users will be able to share Reels in Explore, and also on Feed with followers. There will be no monetisation avenues for now.

India is the fourth country, after Brazil, Germany, and France, where this new Instagram video format is being tested. The feature will start rolling out for users in India starting 7:30 PM IST today.

For Reels, Instagram has partnered with prominent music labels to provide a vast collection of songs to users to create interesting Reels and share with everyone.

Instagram Reels: How to get started

Reels option is added to the Instagram camera similar to Boomerang, among others.

To start users will first need to open the Instagram camera and select Reels to start creating 15 seconds video. Similar to TikTok, Reels provide options like audio from Instagram Music library, speed, effects,  and timer.

After recording a Reel, users can simply choose the audience they wish to share their Reel with. Unlike usual Instagram Stories, Reels can be shared in the Explore section and viewed by everyone on the platform.

Reels also provide various AR effects to help users add a unique touch to their videos. To add AR effects users can open Reels camera, click on effects and then AR effects.

Multiple 15 seconds Reels can also be recorded at once and different effects can be added to each clip. Reels can also be reviewed, deleted, and re-recorded if required.

Similar to TikTok, Reels come with a ‘Use Audio’ option which will let others use your original audio to create their Reels.

How to create Instagram Reels

*Select Reels at the bottom of the Instagram camera.

*Click on Audio option and search for a song from the Instagram music library for your Reel.

*You can also use your own original audio by simply recording a Reel with it just as TikTok.

*You can add AR Effect to make your Reel interesting and different from others and also set the timer to record any of your clips hands-free.

*There’s also an option to speed up or slow down part of the video or audio.

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