Home Latest Intermittent fasting is not a long term solution to weight loss: Guru Mann – Times of India

Intermittent fasting is not a long term solution to weight loss: Guru Mann – Times of India

Intermittent fasting is not a long term solution to weight loss: Guru Mann – Times of India


With so much information available on the Internet about nutrition and fitness, one is bound to get confused unless they have an expert guiding them. Popular fitness expert Guru Mann feels that fitness and nutrition are simple concepts and must not be complicated. Here’s a lowdown of our chat

Fitness expert Guru Mann on the right workout, nutrition and weight loss

You started your fitness journey early and you have been around in the fitness industry for over a decade now. So tell us how have you seen the fitness industry change in the past few years?

Over the years I have seen that people have become more interested in fitness. There are more gyms than ever before. People of all ages are gymming and focusing on fitness and nutrition. They are taking their whole fitness game very seriously.

What do you see are the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to losing weight?

The biggest mistake that people make is they try to copy what’s working for someone else. Everyone is different and what works for them may not work for you. Also if you follow a workout with your friend and complain that she is losing weight but not you, then you need to know that it’s only the workout that you are doing together, clearly she is doing other things that are helping her achieve results, which you are not doing.

Something similar happens with nutrition. People come to me and say that I am eating so less, still I am not losing weight. But what they miss is that eating too less or eating too much, both are detrimental for your weight loss process. So it’s important that you experiment with your diet. Little things like the amount of oil you are using while cooking also play a big role. So eat a certain portion and see if it’s making you see results. If they are, keep adjusting the portions and you will soon see good results.

Coming to the debate about weight training and cardio?

I feel they both are important and have different roles to play. When you get off running or walking on the treadmill, the weight loss process stops there but when you do weight training, like deadlifts, you keep burning calories even after finishing the workout. So that’s the difference between the two.

What are some simple weight loss tricks that people can follow?

The most important thing is what you eat. One should try to have more homemade food and avoid packaged and processed food. There is so much variety when it comes to vegetables, fruits, and protein. So one should learn to add all the variety so they don’t get bored of healthy home food. Do not eat the same food everyday. Keep the options ready. Don’t do anything temporary. Look for lifestyle changes that will transform your life. Focus on 5 meals – three mail meals and two snacks. Diet plans are like punishment and soon you feel bored of what you eat. When you are chasing a goal or have a deadline, then you can follow intermittent fasting or a specific diet but for long term, you shouldn’t be torturing yourself.

Secondly, it is important to start some physical activity. Be it yoga, sports, running, or walking, anything that helps you take your heart rate up.

And then once you feel comfortable in it, you should look at ways to enhance your fitness levels by opting for stronger workouts.


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