Home Latest Intramural sports hosts cornhole tournament

Intramural sports hosts cornhole tournament

Intramural sports hosts cornhole tournament


Laura Williams Crenshaw, Writer/Photographer

The Cornhole tournament started Sept. 3 at Morris Activity Center with six teams registered to compete. There are six teams registered for the tournament Dirty Bags, 62 Boomers, Quitters, Maize and Confused, Oceans 2, and Lucky We’re Sober.

Cornhole players start the game at the headboard and alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all four of his/her bags. Players then walk to the end of their lane to the other court, take score, and resume pitching back to the other cornhole board.

The first teams to play were 62 Boomers and Lucky We’re Sober. The 62 Boomers team members were Laura Williams Crenshaw, senior, photography major and Marvin Crenshaw, graduate student, agriculture. The Lucky We’re Sober team members were Ridge Hale, physics major, and Colten Burnett, history major.

The tournament runs Sept. 3-17.

Some matches have been closer than others, but everyone is having fun. Spectators were not allowed.

As soon as spectators can watch, everyone should watch the intramural sports.


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