Home Latest Iran detained Khamenei’s niece after she criticised regime, confirms brother

Iran detained Khamenei’s niece after she criticised regime, confirms brother

Iran detained Khamenei’s niece after she criticised regime, confirms brother


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s niece, Farideh Moradkhani, has been detained by Iranian authorities after she made a video through which she referred to her uncle’s authorities as a “murderous and child-killing dictatorship.” She was beforehand imprisoned in Iran and hails from a household line with a historical past of criticising the nation’s Islamic rulers.

She was detained on Wednesday after coming to the prosecutor’s workplace in response to a summons, based on a tweet from her brother Mahmoud Moradkhani.

Then, on Saturday, her brother uploaded a video to YouTube, and the hyperlink was shared on Twitter the place she condemned the “clear and obvious oppression” Iranians have been subjected to, and criticised the worldwide group’s inaction.

“Free people, be with us! Tell your governments to stop supporting this murderous and child-killing regime,” she mentioned.

“This regime is not loyal to any of its religious principles and does not know any law or rule except force and maintaining its power in any way possible.”

It is unclear when the video had been recorded.

She criticised the “laughable” sanctions put in place towards the regime on account of its crackdown and claimed Iranians had been “left alone” of their wrestle for freedom.

The sister of Khamenei who had a falling-out together with her household within the Eighties and went to Iraq through the peak of the battle with Iran’s neighbour is the mom of Moradkhani. She moved in together with her husband, Ali Tehrani, a controversial preacher born Ali Moradkhani Arangeh.

She gained recognition for her work opposing the loss of life sentence and was most just lately detained in January of this yr.

(With inputs from businesses)

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