Home Health Jean Antonucci and Emily Jacobs: Masks are public health measure

Jean Antonucci and Emily Jacobs: Masks are public health measure

Jean Antonucci and Emily Jacobs: Masks are public health measure


We write as medical professionals. We care for people, their children, their parents and friends.

We are in the midst of the greatest health challenge of this time. We are dismayed to see how few people mask up in this area. We are saddened by how difficult it is for retailers and other business owners to enforce masks.

In the words of Nirav Shah, wearing masks decreases the spread of the virus, shows humility, shows compassion, it shows support to the community, and it’s kind. We must protect and support each other.

We ask the public to mask up. This is not a political stance, it is a public health measure.

We ask all retailers and business owners to offer alternatives to those who decline to mask up.

We need everyone rowing in the same direction.

We support “no shoes, no shirt, NO MASKS, no service.”

Emily Jacobs DO, Wilton

Jean Antonucci MD, New Portland


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