Home Latest Khelo India Women’s Hockey League: SAI ‘A’ topped U-16 champion | Sports-Games

Khelo India Women’s Hockey League: SAI ‘A’ topped U-16 champion | Sports-Games

Khelo India Women’s Hockey League: SAI ‘A’ topped U-16 champion | Sports-Games


The ultimate day of Khelo India Women’s Hockey League 2022 (U-16) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (Final Phase) ended with Sports Authority of India ‘A’ lifting the trophy and securing the prize cash of 5 lakhs Rupees. Pritam Siwach Sports Promotion Foundation misplaced on the day to complete second to earn three lakhs rupees, whereas Har Hockey Academy received their ultimate match to complete third and get Two Lakh Rupees. The battle for first place was as shut because it may get with Sports Authority of India ‘A’ beating Pritam Swach Sports Promotion Foundation by a 2-1 scoreline. Sports Authority of India ‘A’ took the lead early by way of Binati Minz (12′) and within the second half Karuna Minz (34′) doubled their lead. Pritam Siwach Sports Promotion Foundation got here roaring again with a purpose from Ravina (40′) however have been unable to capitalize on the momentum to stage a comeback.

The battle for third place was between Har Hockey Academy and Sports Authority of India ‘B’, which Har Hockey Academy received by a 3-1 margin. Sports Authority of India ‘B’ began off nicely with Lalpeksangi (19′) scoring the opening purpose for them however they quickly misplaced that benefit to a penalty nook transformed by Har Hockey Academy’s Captain Pooja (26′). Shashi Khasa (39′, 45′) scored a brace in fast succession within the second half to make sure Har Hockey Academy completed third. Odisha Naval Tata Hockey High-Performance Centre took on Ghumanhera Riser’s Academy and comprehensively beat them 4-0 to verify a fifth-place end. Anushka Bhawre (20′, 49′) scored a brace for her staff whereas Sanadam Babyrani (37′) and Nirmala (39′) scored a purpose every.

Sports Hostel Odisha beat Salute Hockey Academy by a 6-1 scoreline to safe seventh place. Sports Hostel Odisha began off the purpose glut by way of Priyanka Rout (6′) however quickly sufficient Salute Hockey Academy’s Payal Yadav (18′) levelled the enjoying area together with her purpose. In the second half Sports Hostel Odisha went on a scoring spree with objectives coming from Kanika Kerketta (35′), Sushmita Dung Dung (42′, 57′) and Archana Xalxo (59′). (ANI)

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