Home Health Kitchen Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Clean A Greasy Chimney

Kitchen Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Clean A Greasy Chimney

Kitchen Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Clean A Greasy Chimney


Kitchen home equipment have made our lives simpler than ever earlier than. They assist us save numerous time and make the complete cooking course of extra environment friendly and satisfying. And one such kitchen equipment that aids our efforts, is a chimney. This digital equipment is put in above the cooking counter and helps in eradicating smoke, odour and oil particles which might be launched on the time of cooking. This helps in maintaining your kitchen clear and non-greasy. However, since Indian cooking requires numerous spices which generate numerous smoke, grease and oil can simply get caught between the filters. And cleansing them could be fairly a troublesome and time-consuming job. Here are some straightforward suggestions that’ll assist you eliminate undesirable grease out of your kitchen chimney.

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How To Clean A Greasy Chimney: Here’re 5 Easy Tips

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is acidic in nature and has delicate abrasive properties, which makes it nice for cleansing a chimney. Dip a material piece or tissue within the vinegar resolution and easily wipe the greasy surfaces. If you need to clear it totally, fill a bathtub with scorching water and vinegar and immerse the chimney filters on this resolution for a number of hours.

2. Dishwashing Liquid

The cleansing brokers current in dishwashing liquid work nicely with chimney filters. Add scorching water and some drops of dishwashing gel in a bucket and let the filters soak in it for round 2-3 hours. Once performed, scrub them properly and allow them to dry within the solar.

3. Baking Soda

We all know that baking soda is an acclaimed all-purpose cleansing resolution. And sure, you should utilize it to wash your kitchen chimney as nicely! Make a thick paste of two tbsp of baking soda by including some water. Now, apply this over the floor and permit it to remain there for 8-10 minutes. Clean it off with a moist material to take away the stains.

4. Detergent Powder

The surfactants current in detergent powder assist take away the oil stains simply. Fill a bathtub with boiling water and add 2 tbsp of detergent powder in it. Immerse the chimney filters on this resolution for a while. Place them beneath working water and scrub with a moist material.

5. Paint Thinner

Paint thinner accommodates highly effective cleansing brokers comparable to acetone, turpentine, toluene, and different spirits. Just soak the thinner in a chunk of fabric and rub gently on the chimney. It will simply take away the grease stains and provide you with superb outcomes.

So, the following time you’re cleansing your kitchen chimney, do hold the following tips in your thoughts!

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