Home Latest Kolkata showing ‘worrying trend’: Centre tells Bengal amid rise in Covid cases

Kolkata showing ‘worrying trend’: Centre tells Bengal amid rise in Covid cases

Kolkata showing ‘worrying trend’: Centre tells Bengal amid rise in Covid cases


Although the country is seeing a significant decline in terms of new Covid-19 cases being recorded, Kolkata is emerging as one of the primary districts of concern as infection rates rise, wrote Union health secretary Rajesh Bhushan in a letter to the West Bengal government

“West Bengal has reported 20,936 new cases and 343 new deaths in the last 30 days, accounting to 3.4% of India’s new cases and 4.7% of new deaths. One of the primary districts of concern is Kolkata,” Bhushan told state health secretary Narayan Swaroop Nigam.

“The district has reported high quantum of average daily new cases in the week ending 21 October along with more than 25% increase over the past week (from 217 cases in the week ending 14 October to 272 cases in the week ending 21 October),” he added.  

He also said that the rise in the positivity rate is concerning as Kolkata reported almost 27% increase in TPR in the past week (from 5.6% in the week ending 14 October to 7.1% in the week ending 21 October).

The weekly testing trends in this district are also showing a downward trend. “This calls for more proactive action on the testing front,” he stated. 

Bhushan said that it has been observed that cases surge exponentially in instances where basic public health strategy (testing, tracking, treatment, Covid appropriate behaviour and vaccination) is not followed rigorously. 

“The current trends increasing daily new cases and case positivity, if left unchecked may lead to a situation where there is a severe strain on the health infrastructure and health workforce,” he said. 

The health secretary also emphasised the need of celebrating festivals in a safe manner so as to ensure that the infections do not surge. 

“Regular review of Covid-19 cases and deaths must also be undertaken, and necessary corrective measures should be promptly communicated to the field teams. Lastly, it should also be ensured that the district maintains consistency in data up-dation in the Covid-19 portal,” he said.

Covid situation in state 

West Bengal on Monday reported 805 new cases of Covid-19, 184 less than the virus count registered on the previous day, according to a state health department bulletin. 

The state has been witnessing a post-Durga puja coronavirus spike with 974, 846, 833, and 867 fresh infected cases registered on 23, 22, 21 and 20 October respectively. 

The state’s caseload rose to 15,87,260 on Monday as against 15,79, 463 total Covid cases on Dashami, 15 October.

 The coronavirus death toll too soared to 19,066 as 11 more patients succumbed to the infection during the day.

The state has 7,869 active cases, while 15,60,325 have been cured of the infection so far, including 807 in the last 24 hours, the bulletin said. The recovery rate among the coronavirus patients in the state stands at 98.30%.


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