Home Health Labour’s well being mission: prevention and higher major care could prolong life and enhance well being however are unlikely to save cash

Labour’s well being mission: prevention and higher major care could prolong life and enhance well being however are unlikely to save cash

Labour’s well being mission: prevention and higher major care could prolong life and enhance well being however are unlikely to save cash


  1. Raj Bhopal, emeritus professor of public well being
  1. Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
  1. raj.bhopal{at}ed.ac.uk

I applaud Labour, and its chief, Kier Starmer, for prioritising the prevention of in poor health well being and shifting care into the neighborhood by means of major healthcare.1

Of course, many governments have chosen the identical objectives—typically repeatedly—with out reaching them. Governments might imagine that these methods are a substitute for monetary funding, and maybe even a method of slicing …

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