Home Latest Large numbers of BPS parents seek technology help on the first day of school

Large numbers of BPS parents seek technology help on the first day of school

Large numbers of BPS parents seek technology help on the first day of school


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW-TV) — Staff working for Buffalo Public Schools expected to have a number of parent concerns on the first day of school with 100% remote learning in place – but they were surprised at the long lines of people that formed looking for help.

“Take a breath. Don’t worry. Day one does not mean it is all going down. If you didn’t get in on day one, we’ll try day two,” said Sarah Edwards, Director of Instructional Technology for Buffalo Public Schools.

Hundreds of parents, many with students, lined up around the district’s new Center for Innovation and Training located at 1515 South Park Avenue. They waited patiently to enter the former school building to collect hot spots, computers, and receive help with iPad and laptop problems.

Buffalo Public Schools offered the sessions over the past three weeks. So, why such a big rush on the first day of school?

“Kids haven’t touched the device over the summer and maybe didn’t say ‘Oops, something isn’t quite right’ when they stopped using it. So, I think a lot of parents are getting hit with a surprise that we need to get something fixed,” added Edwards.

To help parents and students, Buffalo Public Schools is opening its Center for Innovation Technology and Training this week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with extended hours on Wednesday until 6:30 p.m.

It is located in the former Public School 28 (Triangle Academy) at 1515 South Park Avenue, Buffalo.

If you can’t make it to the center, the school district has also set up a tech support hotline at (716) 816-7100. The hotline is in operation until October 16th from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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