Home Health Leftover Rice? No Problem! Try These Mouthwatering Rice Pancakes

Leftover Rice? No Problem! Try These Mouthwatering Rice Pancakes

Leftover Rice? No Problem! Try These Mouthwatering Rice Pancakes


I’m thrilled to share an thrilling breakfast hack that can revolutionize your mornings – turning leftover rice into delectable, fluffy pancakes! We all know that feeling after we prepare dinner an excessive amount of rice for a meal, and the leftover rice sits within the fridge, usually forgotten and finally tossed out. But these days are over for me! With this straightforward recipe, you can also give your leftover rice a brand new lease on life and delight your style buds with a hearty breakfast possibility. Pancakes are a universally beloved breakfast staple. So, if dinner leaves you with unused cooked rice, reduce wastage and revel in a fantastic breakfast the following morning. Just make scrumptious rice pancakes.

Also Read: Leftover Recipe Ideas: 5 Delicious Leftover Rice Recipes

Is it OK to eat leftover rice?

Cooked rice does not keep recent for lengthy. Ideally, it must be consumed inside 24 hours; if not, then inside 2 days. The greatest way to store the leftover rice is in a fridge and eat it as quickly as doable. Thankfully, there are numerous methods leftover rice can be utilized to make different dishes. Rice pancakes are one such delight that makes the perfect use of it. The grains of cooked rice create a novel and barely chewy consistency that provides a pleasant twist to the basic pancake expertise. The rice will likely be barely sticky, however don’t be concerned; it is what makes these pancakes distinctive!


Rice is a staple meals in all households. Image Credit: iStock

How To Make Cooked Rice Pancakes I Leftover Rice Pancake Recipe

It’s so simple as it could get. Just combine all-purpose flour, baking powder, sugar, and a touch of salt. To it, add whisked egg, butter, and buttermilk (or milk, if you don’t need the tanginess from buttermilk). You also can add vanilla essence for further flavour. Then toss within the leftover rice, and your pancake batter is prepared. Cook from either side on a greased pan and serve with the topping of your selection.

Also ReadHow To Use Leftover Food? 5 Interesting Breakfast Recipes You Can Make The Next Day

Get Creative with Toppings

One of the perfect issues about these leftover rice pancakes is the flexibility they provide in relation to toppings. From basic choices like butter and maple syrup to more healthy selections like honey and sliced bananas, and extra adventurous choices like nut butter or perhaps a drizzle of chocolate sauce – the chances are infinite. You also can add a sprinkle of cinnamon, a touch of powdered sugar, or a handful of chopped nuts for an additional contact of flavour and texture.

Click here for the complete recipe for leftover rice pancakes.

Tips For Making Perfect Leftover Rice Pancakes

  • If your leftover rice is a bit dry, you may add a splash of milk or water to the pancake batter to realize the specified consistency.
  • Feel free to experiment with various kinds of rice, reminiscent of jasmine, basmati, or wild rice, to create distinctive flavour profiles.
  • For a more healthy twist, you need to use entire wheat flour or oats as an alternative of all-purpose flour to make the pancake batter.
  • Don’t flatten the pancakes with a spatula whereas cooking; the rice within the batter creates a pleasant texture that you will wish to protect.

Revamping your leftover rice into pleasant morning pancakes is a unbelievable method to begin your day. This intelligent culinary trick not solely saves you from losing meals but additionally brings an progressive twist to a basic breakfast staple.

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