Home Latest Let’s test your vision this World Sight Day – Times of India

Let’s test your vision this World Sight Day – Times of India

Let’s test your vision this World Sight Day – Times of India


Do you have any of the following conditions?
Heart Trouble


High Blood Pressure



Thyroid Condition


These are some of the diseases that commonly impact the vision in the long run. Hence, for these patients, its crucial to get their eyes checked regularly.

In general, would you say your overall health is. Zero means the worst possible and 10 means the best possible
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Our health and immunity have an impact on the eyes.

How would you rate your eyesight now (with glasses or contact lens on, if you wear them), on a scale of from 0 to 10, where zero means the worst possible eyesight, as bad or worse than being blind, and 10 means the best possible eyesight

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Have you been experiencing dryness, itching or burning sensation in the eyes?

If so, you may have Blepharitis. It is an eye condition in which the eyelids get inflamed or infected as a result of irritants, bacteria, or even mites.

Have you noticed that your eyes don’t look in exactly the same direction at the same time?

If so, you may have strabismus (crossed eyes). It is a condition in which the eyes do not line up with one another. In other words, one eye is turned in a direction that is different from the other eye.

Have you been experiencing any eye pain, excess discharge or tearing?

When one experiences dry eyes, excess discharge or tearing, we call it the computer vision syndrome. As its name suggests, computer vision syndrome, also referred to as digital eye strain, describes a group of eye- and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use.

While looking into the light, do you notice any spots in vision that look like black or grey specks or strings that drift across the eyes?

These spots or flecks are called eye floaters. They are spots in your vision which may look like black or grey specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly.

Do you face any difficulty adjusting to darkness?

As you age, it is possible that the muscles in your iris might weaken, as muscles are prone to doing. As the eyes become less responsive to light, it can result in your eyes not properly adapting to swift changes between light and darkness.

Have you developed any unusual sensitivity to sudden exposure of light?

Light sensitivity or “photophobia” is common in people diagnosed with eye conditions or sight loss. Light sensitivity is where the light level in the environment is too bright and causes discomfort

Do you see halos around a lighted object or a glare?

If a person has cataract issues, when looking at bright lights or lit objects surrounded by darkness, they may notice a significant blurring of boundaries or a “halo” effect around the object or light source.

Eye care is important for all. Hence, to know your eyes, ensure its health and getting eye check-up is as important as getting your blood work done every quarter.

By: Dr. Sudipto Pakrasi Chairman Ophthalmology, Medanta


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