Home Latest LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sports turning political has turned me off

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sports turning political has turned me off

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sports turning political has turned me off


I am done with sports at the college level and professional level. I will not watch their events on television or waste my money on another over-priced ticket. 

What has brought me to this decision? Sports becoming political and supporting Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, whose goal is the overthrow of my country’s government.    

Black lives is the pretense used to accomplish this. Their rebellion and insurrection has cost Black lives and white lives. B.L.M. has not saved one life. Saving lives is not a part of their agenda; Marxism is.

However, they have made many Americans realize the only thing they really need in life is their families and a country to live in. We do not support sports programs whose athletes support organizations who openly advocate killing us.

If you support teams who support these type groups, then remember this the day their allies come to slit the throats of you and your loved ones. You supported and asked for it. 

Billy Price,



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