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Limited participation, says mission on anti-India demo in London

Limited participation, says mission on anti-India demo in London


India on Saturday expressed satisfaction that unlike on August 15 last year, when a large protest demonstration outside the Indian high commission had turned violent, this year there was ‘limited participation’ amidst tight security by Scotland Yard.

A high commission spokesperson said: “We are glad that unlike last year, the usual attempts to disturb our Independence Day celebrations had a very limited participation from a few Pakistani agents and Khalistani extremist entities”.

“This indicates that the misinformation propaganda is being seen for what it is – a false and concocted narrative, being pursued by terror and extremist entities in UK against India. It appears to be fast losing momentum and support, even within their own respective communities”.

Officials said the high commission has been sensitising British authorities and communities in the UK about India’s perspectives and facts, particularly over the last year. Violence during last year’s celebrations led to a diplomatic row and souring of relations with the Labour party, then led by Jeremy Corbyn.

The spokesperson added: “We are also highly appreciative of the cooperation received from the UK Government in ensuring the safety and security of the High Commission and its personnel”.

Low participation in recent such protests may have been due to coronavirus- related travel restrictions and local lockdowns in UK areas with large population of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir origin. Unlike last year, there was also no prominent figure from Pakistan joining the protest on Saturday.


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