Home Latest Live updates: Iran launches drones at Israel, says assault retaliatory

Live updates: Iran launches drones at Israel, says assault retaliatory

Live updates: Iran launches drones at Israel, says assault retaliatory


– Iran has launched dozens of drones and missiles at Israel in a retaliatory assault, the Iranian army stated.

– The U.S. and its allies shot down an unspecified variety of Iranian drone plane headed towards Israel on Saturday as loud explosions had been heard in Jerusalem and Syria’s capital Damascus on Saturday.

– The United States pledged to help Israel’s protection in opposition to an Iranian drone assault Saturday as President Joe Biden held disaster talks along with his prime nationwide safety crew.

– Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Saturday warned the U.S. about “any support for Israel or involvement in harming Iran’s interests,”  as Israel plans to launch a “significant response” to the Iranian aerial assault in opposition to it, Israel’s state-owned Kan TV information reported early on Sunday.

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