Home Entertainment Local entertainment venues light up red to show support for the live events industry

Local entertainment venues light up red to show support for the live events industry

Local entertainment venues light up red to show support for the live events industry



If Tuesday night had you seeing red, don’t worry – it wasn’t your imagination. 

All across the country, including in the Tampa Bay area, more than 1,500 buildings were lit in red as part of a national effort to raise pubic awareness about the economic plight of the live events industry during the Covid-19 pandemic. The #RedAlertRESTART initiative was created by We Make Events, a coalition that includes businesses and workers in the entertainment industry. Since live events were shut down in mid-March, millions of people have been impacted in an industry that generates about $877 billion a year in revenue. . 

The goal of Tuesday’s event was to get Congress to take action. Organizers want to see support for the Save Our Stages Act and RESTART Act, along with extended and expanded pandemic unemployment assistance for the 5.1 million event workers who lose their jobs when the pandemic forced venues to shutter.

Jannus Live, in conjunction with DTSP Live, posted a streaming video lit by red spotlights with information on how the devastating effects the shutdown has had on the entertainment video. 


According to We Make Events data, 95 percent of live events nationally have been canceled due to Covid-19, and 96 percent of companies have cut staff and wages. More than three quarters of those who work in the live events industry have lost their entire income, including 97 percent of 1099 workers.

Across the bay, other entertainment venues also got involved in spreading the word. Organizers urge fans of live music to reach out to their legislative representatives to show their support for the entertainment industry.


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