Home Latest Local governments use new ‘dry fog’ technology to combat spread of COVID-19

Local governments use new ‘dry fog’ technology to combat spread of COVID-19

Local governments use new ‘dry fog’ technology to combat spread of COVID-19


BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) – A new invention to help fight the spread of COVID-19 is on the market, and both the Warren County and Bowling Green City governments are taking advantage of it.

“The technology not only disinfects the surfaces, but it is also capable of disinfecting the air that we breathe and that’s what makes it revolutionary,” Bobby Rabold, a Path-Guard distributor, said.

The device is portable and easy to use. You hold it as you would a gun, and when you pull the trigger, the dry fog comes out and saturates the air with non-toxic disinfectants.

“That means when it gets down in the water table eventually it is not going to pollute the water table at all because it is non-toxic,” Rabold explained.

Because it uses dry fog, there is no residue left on any surfaces after using it. The machine will at least be used in rooms of the Warren County Justice Center and the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Fitness Facility.

“It actually has been tested and is effective against 171 pathogens including COVID19 but it is also effective against the flu viruses,” Rabold said.

You can visit Pathguardfog.com to learn more about the product.

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