Home Health Looking For Dessert That’s Healthy Too? Try This 4-Ingredient Banana Cake Today

Looking For Dessert That’s Healthy Too? Try This 4-Ingredient Banana Cake Today

Looking For Dessert That’s Healthy Too? Try This 4-Ingredient Banana Cake Today


Desserts have the ability to raise our spirits even on a boring day. Whether it is a slice of luscious cheesecake, a crispy waffle topped with melted chocolate, or a fudgy brownie – all these candy delights immediately tug at heartstrings. Regrettably, the identical meals leaves you frightened when you’re on a weight reduction food plan. In reality, the concern of extra calorie consumption stops us from reaching out to our favorite truffles and brownies. What if we are saying we now have discovered an ideal answer on your drawback? All you’ll want to do is slight customisation within the recipe after which, you’re good to go. Don’t imagine us? We say, do that four-ingredient banana cake recipe and resolve for your self.

Is Banana Cake Healthy?

Banana cake normally falls underneath the ‘wholesome cake’ class. This is as a result of bananas are excessive in potassium and different important vitamins. It makes for a more healthy different to many different sorts of truffles, particularly those lined with icing or fondant. However, the well being issue varies as per the components added to the cake. For occasion, including sugar, choco chips or different calorific components might decrease the nutrient quotient of your banana cake.
Fret not, we now have acquired the proper banana cake recipe so that you can get pleasure from with out guilt. Here, we’re utilizing oats as an alternative of refined flour and completely no sugar. This makes it tremendous wholesome and excellent for ‘wholesome’ indulgence.
Also Read: These 5 Healthy Cake Recipes Are The Best Way To Enjoy A Guilt-Free Dessert

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What Types Of Bananas Are Best For Making Banana Cake?

To get that excellent style and texture of the cake, at all times use overripe bananas. A superb indicator of that is bananas which have a number of brown spots on the peel. These bananas style candy, so you needn’t add any additional sugar to the recipe. Along with sweetness, overripe bananas assist add moistness to the cake.

How To Make 4-Ingredient Banana Cake | Banana Cake Recipe

To make this cake, you want bananas, oats, eggs, baking powder, and that is it! You can actually make this cake with simply 4 components. To start with, put bananas, eggs, oats, and baking powder in a blender. Blend till you get a clean batter. You may add a splash of vanilla essence or a number of nuts for texture and flavour earlier than you mix the batter. Now, preheat your oven to 180 levels C. In the meantime, put together your baking tin by lining it with butter paper. Pour the cake batter into it and bake it for 20 to half-hour. To test if it is executed or not, merely insert a toothpick within the centre, and if it comes out clear, your cake is prepared!
Also Read: Healthy Cake Recipe: Try This Whole Wheat Date Cake To Satisfy Your Sweet Cravings

Click here for the entire recipe for banana cake.

The recipe sounds straightforward, proper? Then what are you ready for? Try it out as we speak and tell us the way it  tastes within the feedback beneath. Happy Baking!

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