Home Latest Low-risk fall sports in WNY to begin as scheduled on Monday

Low-risk fall sports in WNY to begin as scheduled on Monday

Low-risk fall sports in WNY to begin as scheduled on Monday


High School Power 10: Fall 2019 (copy)

Cross country is among the low-risk fall sports whose seasons will begin Monday in Section VI.

The fall sports season for low-risk sports will begin Monday, Section VI announced after reviewing the results of post-card balloting by member schools. 

More than 70 districts submitted votes, with 67 pledging support for a Monday start date, which is when Gov. Andrew Cuomo had proposed. School districts, though, could make their own decisions on whether they were ready to follow that guidance.

Low-risk sports include cross country, soccer, field hockey, golf, girls swimming, girls gymnastics and girls tennis.

“I’m really, really happy for the kids,” Frontier athletic director Richard Gray said. “I’m very happy they’re going to be able to compete this fall.”

The section conducted a survey of school districts, and a first round was due last week to find out what date would be best for a start to fall sports. Sept. 21, Sept. 28 and “other” were presented as options. There were initially five options, as the surveys initially included high-risk sports football, volleyball and competitive cheerleading, but those sports were moved to March by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association the same day the forms were submitted by districts.

Last Friday, Section VI announced it would hold a vote by post-card balloting to determine the start date for fall sports, with the votes being tallied during Wednesday’s Athletic Council meeting.


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