Home Latest Magnitude 5.9 quake hits northwest Turkey, inflicting panic

Magnitude 5.9 quake hits northwest Turkey, inflicting panic

Magnitude 5.9 quake hits northwest Turkey, inflicting panic


An earthquake with a magnitude 5.9 has hit a city in northwest Turkey Wednesday, Turkey’s government-run Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency stated.

The earthquake was centred within the city of Golkaya, in Duzce province, some 200 km east of Istanbul. It was felt in Istanbul and within the capital Ankara.

The quake despatched folks dashing out of buildings and lower energy within the space, Duzce’s mayor Faruk Ozlu advised non-public NTV tv.

Ozlu stated there was no fast report of casualty or injury however authorities had been nonetheless assessing potential destruction.

Turkey sits on high of main fault traces and is ceaselessly shaken by earthquakes. Duzce was hit by a strong earthquake in 1999, which killed some 800 folks.

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