Home Health Managing Stress Key for Mental Health During Pandemic

Managing Stress Key for Mental Health During Pandemic

Managing Stress Key for Mental Health During Pandemic


Managing Stress Key for Mental Health During Pandemic | KNIA KRLS Radio – The One to Count On

With the social distancing recommendations limiting human interaction, local mental health experts are recommending for residents to find new ways to socialize rather than person-to-person. Cheryl Garland with Integrative Counseling Solutions tells KNIA News we don’t often realize how much we need to interact with others to keep ourselves healthy.
“We have lost the ability to get together with friends and family and enjoy so many things that are a part of our daily routine, a conference, concert, sporting or school event, and yes that is sad. But it is important to acknowledge that it is ok to be sad about that. Then turn your attention to what you can do, keep yourself busy improving your home or helping others with yard work, find a hobby. Look for creative ways to connect with people.”
Garland was featured on a recent program of In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. For more information, listen below.



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