Home Crime Maoists declare CRPF jawan’s seize, household seeks launch

Maoists declare CRPF jawan’s seize, household seeks launch

Maoists declare CRPF jawan’s seize, household seeks launch


The caller mentioned the jawan might be launched on the applicable time and knowledgeable native media correspondent that he could be up to date about it

Raipur/ Jammu: A CRPF jawan, Rakesh Singh Manhas, who went lacking within the April 3 Maoist ambush on safety forces on the Sukma-Bijapur border in Chhattisgarh might have been held hostage by the Maoists, police mentioned. Singh’s household has launched an emotional attraction looking for his launch.

“Please, release my father,” pleaded five-year-old Shragvi, the daughter of the commando. This is all of the sobbing youngster might utter as she wiped away her tears.

A telephone name from purported Maoists got here to a reporter of an area information channel on Monday claiming that the lacking commando, belonging to the COBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action) of the CRPF,  has been “captured” by them and was “safe in their custody.”

The reporter mentioned he had obtained the name from a ‘general number’ which Maoists use to talk with the media at 11.30 am. “The caller said the jawan will be released at the appropriate time and informed me that I will be updated about it from time to time,” Raja Rathore, the native correspondent of a Hindi information channel, instructed this newspaper from Sukma on telephone.

Rathore mentioned he handed on the data to the members of the family of the jawan, a local of Jammu, within the presence of a few native CRPF officers on Monday.

“The jawan’s wife and mother have appealed to the Maoists not to harm him and release him without any delay. The jawan’s five-year-old daughter has also made an appeal to the Naxals to release her father safely,” Rathore mentioned.

The CRPF in addition to the safety forces have maintained silence on the difficulty. “We have no information if he has been held hostage by Maoists,” a senior CRPF officer right here instructed this newspaper. “We are trying to locate the missing jawan,” a senior police officer posted in Bastar mentioned, unwilling to be quoted. Sources mentioned a again channel effort has begun by the safety institution to safe launch of the jawan from Maoist captivity.

Meanwhile, ‘Jailbandi Rihai Samiti’ (committee for launch of undertrials), an outfit floated to safe launch of undertrials dealing with expenses of involvement in Maoists actions in Bastar, on Monday demanded the launch of the jawan instantly with out inflicting him any hurt.

”We got here to know concerning the assault and that he went lacking from information channels. Nobody from the federal government or the CRPF knowledgeable us,” Meenu, Singh’s spouse, instructed reporters at her residence in Barnai on the Jammu-Akhnoor street.

She mentioned she made frantic efforts to achieve out to the CRPF headquarters in Jammu. “I was told that there is nothing we can share with you. Once we get a clear picture, we will come to you,” Meenu mentioned the officers instructed her.

With her daughter in her lap, Meenu mentioned an officer additionally visited her home and repeated the peace of mind. She mentioned she had final spoken to her husband at 9.30 pm on Friday when he was leaving for obligation.

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