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Metaverse & Sports | What is metaverse?

Metaverse & Sports | What is metaverse?


Metaverse is a world beyond the internet built on shared experiences and digital-first products. Numerous high-tech sectors are aligning their visions for the future and the pursuit of the same could have major implications for the sports industry. 

Metaverse is an evolution of online experiences for future advancements. GreenPark Sports CEO added, “we are almost building a new civilization”

Different definitions of the Metaverse 

Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg defined metaverse as “a virtual environment where you can present people in digital spaces.” The metaverse last caught the zeitgeist in 2007 during second life’s peak as people interacted as avatars through technological assistance on a digital platform. 

People have created unique identities while participating in activities ranging from dating, weddings, and other occasions, synchronously. It has a persistent presence in the lives of people and unlike a zoom call, board meetings and dance classes are taking place in a virtual space. They also offer a sense of movement to the users. 

  • Commercial interworking 

There are various virtual platforms in existence. They are all connected through a network and it has future prospects to it that are visible to the companies building them. The interoperability offers the users to access the benefits of not one but many metaverse platforms. 

Here the concept of blockchain comes in. It is required by different platforms to be able to verify the ownership that will further allow the development of a metaversal economy. It would also benefit real estate where the merchandise could be bought and sold. The businesses could entirely exist in the virtual realm. 

The impact of metaverse on sports

Image Source: Ericaspeaksss

The presence of metaverse will adversely affect the way people watch games. People will be able to experience the game in a virtual reality with an opportunity to view the game more like in the strands rather than being stranded on the couch. 

The metaverse will also provide a different definition to fandom which is not just limited to the stadium gates. An interoperable metaverse would allow people to participate in leagues and retailers to sell physical atleisure and other sports equipment. 

It will also have an impact on athletic training and it will fundamentally change within the presence of the metaverse. 

Doug Scott, cofounder of gaming holding company envisioned Go-like games to be unlocked in arenas and played on mobile phones during and between the action. Many sports will be able to fully leverage their intellectual property at the right time with metaverse. 

Metaverse will change the way we perceive reality with respect to the digital world. 

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