Home Latest ‘Methane lowest hanging fruit’: EU warns countries on climate change

‘Methane lowest hanging fruit’: EU warns countries on climate change

‘Methane lowest hanging fruit’: EU warns countries on climate change


As world leaders head to Europe for the G20 summit, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said advanced nations have a “special responsibility” to tackle climate change.

“We risk reaching an irreversible tipping point,” Leyen said while warning countries on climate change.

The European Commission chief said that methane is the “lowest hanging fruit” while informing that it is “80 times more warming than CO2”.

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Leyen pledged 1 billion Euros towards protecting global forests asserting that it was a “priority” for the European Union.

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 “The forests are our best allies in fighting climate change so we need really to protect them,” Leyen added.

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The European Commission chief informed that France, Germany, EU, UK and US have been working on “Just Energy Transition” partnership along with South Africa.

(With inputs from Agencies)


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