Home Entertainment Millie Bobby Brown’s home comforts

Millie Bobby Brown’s home comforts

Millie Bobby Brown’s home comforts


Millie Bobby Brown misses “tea and digestives” when she’s filming in the United States.

The ‘Stranger Things’ star lives in London but she regularly heads across the pond to film and she really misses her home comforts when she’s abroad.

She said: “On set I used to have a good cup of tea with digestives almost every morning and I had Lucozade when I needed some energy. I just loved hearing the accent all day long and the banter. Don’t get me wrong I love working in America, but home is home for me. While I was filming I would go to my cousins for instance and they were like, ‘You sound so American’, and by the end of filming they were like, ‘You sound so posh’. I couldn’t stop it! But when I’m here in America, my friends are all American, I do get the twang, it’s very difficult. I like being British because it helped me become more British.”

And the 16-year-old actress likes to “push” herself all the time when she is working and likes to find new things to do.

Speaking to Mark Wright on his Heart radio show, she added: “Yes I push myself all the time, I’m always working, I’m always finding something to do.

“I love work. I’m not obsessed with it just because that would be unhealthy, but I love working and keeping myself busy and learning new things.”

Millie previously revealed her anxiety is worsened by fame.

She said: “I keep most things private in my life. Personally, I struggle with anxiety and in some ways, this has hindered it. When I’m having a bad day or I’m feeling very anxious, some things like when people say, ‘Oh, you looked bad at this award show because you looked like this or you looked like that,’ those things make me a little bit more anxious and that hinders me a little bit more.”


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