Home Health Mogri Chutney Recipe: The Best Way To Turn Bitter Radish Pods Into A Winter Delight

Mogri Chutney Recipe: The Best Way To Turn Bitter Radish Pods Into A Winter Delight

Mogri Chutney Recipe: The Best Way To Turn Bitter Radish Pods Into A Winter Delight


Chutneys are just like the superheroes of Indian kitchens, including flavour to our meals. As the temperatures drop and winter units in, Indian households welcome quite a lot of seasonal delights. Amidst this, Mogri Chutney emerges as essential, reworking the common-or-garden radish pods right into a flavorful accompaniment. It’s not simply tasty; it is a scrumptious strategy to take pleasure in mogri, a veggie with a robust style. Mogri’s inherent pungency, which could be a bit robust for some palates, will get superbly balanced within the type of a chutney, making it an irresistible addition to winter meals. 

Are Sangri and Mogri identical? 

No, Sangri and Mogri aren’t the identical. Sangri refers back to the dried beans of inexperienced peas present in northern Indian delicacies, notably in Rajasthani dishes. On the opposite hand, Mogri pertains to radish pods, particularly the immature seed pods of the radish plant, generally utilized in varied Indian dishes. While the names could sound comparable, they denote distinct greens with totally different flavours and culinary makes use of in Indian delicacies. 
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Mogri offers many health benefits.

Mogri gives many well being advantages.
Photo Credit: iStock

Is Mogri Good For Health? Here Are 7 Health Benefits of Mogri: 

1. Good for Skin Health: 

Mogri boasts nutritional vitamins and antioxidants that contribute to more healthy and radiant pores and skin. Consuming it repeatedly can provide your pores and skin a pure glow. 

2. Great to Improve Bone Mineral Density: 

Mogri is wealthy in important minerals like calcium and phosphorus, that are essential for sustaining robust and wholesome bones. 

3. Helps to Treat Urinary Infections: 

With its diuretic properties, Mogri aids in flushing out toxins and doubtlessly stopping urinary infections. 

4. Helps in Removing Kidney Stones/Gallstones: 

The pure compounds in Mogri could help in breaking down kidney stones or gallstones, selling kidney well being. 

5. Helps in Digestion and Relieving Constipation: 

The fibre content material in Mogri helps digestive well being, preventing constipation and selling a wholesome intestine. 

6.  Excellent for Heart Health: 

Mogri’s potassium content material helps regulate blood strain, lowering the chance of cardiovascular points. 

7. Great for Blood Sugar Management/Diabetes: 

Mogri has properties which will contribute to managing blood sugar ranges, making it a worthwhile addition for these with diabetes. 

Now, let’s get hands-on with the straightforward methodology to create this flavorful Mogri Chutney. We discovered a straightforward recipe for Mogri chutney shared by nutritionist Leema Mahajan on her Instagram deal with. 
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How To Make Mogri Chutney I Mogri Chutney Recipe: 

In a mortar and pestle or a blender, add radish pods, hing water (asafoetida-infused water), tamarind, coriander leaves, mint leaves, and black salt. Pound or grind the components into a rough paste. And voila, you’ve got created a pleasant Mogri Chutney able to elevate your winter meals! 

Watch the entire recipe video right here: 

Beyond its culinary enchantment, Mogri Chutney brings a myriad of well being advantages to your plate. So, this winter, indulge within the goodness of Mogri, for the healthful nourishment it gives. 

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