Home Health Monsoon Dampening Salt And Sugar In The Kitchen? Not Anymore! 5 Tips To Prevent It

Monsoon Dampening Salt And Sugar In The Kitchen? Not Anymore! 5 Tips To Prevent It

Monsoon Dampening Salt And Sugar In The Kitchen? Not Anymore! 5 Tips To Prevent It


If you thought solely the summer season season brings alongside humidity, then you want to get your information checked. The monsoon will increase the moisture degree within the air by leaps and bounds, making the environment humid and damp. Unfortunately, this instantly impacts the meals saved in our kitchens. If you discover, you will see greens decaying earlier than their time in the course of the monsoon. You may also see completely different meals merchandise getting damp and moist even after correct storage. Amidst all of it, it is salt and sugar which are affected essentially the most. This means you want to make some further effort whereas storing these substances in the course of the wet season. If you’re dealing with the identical wrestle and do not know what to do, then keep again and undergo your entire article. Here, we are going to take you thru some dwelling treatments to stop salt and sugar from attracting extra moisture. Read on.
Also Read: How To Store Rice And Keep It Fresh For Long – 5 Effective Ways


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Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Prevent Excess Moisture In Salt And Sugar:

1. Throw some rice grains within the container:

This is presumably one of the crucial efficient methods to stop moisture absorption in salt and sugar. Rice acts like a pure desiccant and absorbs extra moisture. In a salt sprinkler, throw some rice as is, and for giant containers, put the rice in a pouch after which place it inside.

2. Put some espresso beans within the container:

Coffee beans additionally assist take up extra moisture, like rice grains. And the perfect half is, salt and sugar do not decide up the flavour of espresso, making them simple to make use of for cooking.

3. Throw in some cloves:

Besides including flavour to your meal, cloves can be used for numerous dwelling treatment functions. For occasion, they assist take up extra moisture and protect the standard of salt and sugar. However, on this course of, the substances may decide up the aroma of cloves. So, we advise wrapping the cloves in a chunk of material earlier than including them to a salt or sugar container.

4. Add some rajma:

Did you recognize that some dried rajma may help protect the standard of salt and sugar in the course of the monsoons? You heard us proper. It works like espresso beans and is hygroscopic in nature, which means it has the flexibility to soak up moisture from the air.

5. Store the containers in a cool and dry place:

Where you retailer the container performs an equally essential function in sustaining the standard of salt and sugar in the course of the monsoon. Make positive you retailer them in a cool and dry place, away from extra daylight or humidity, to maintain them secure for a very long time.
Try these hacks and revel in cooking yummy delicacies in the course of the monsoon.

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