Home Latest MPOB develops technology to control upper stem rote in oil palm trees

MPOB develops technology to control upper stem rote in oil palm trees

MPOB develops technology to control upper stem rote in oil palm trees


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has developed an effective solution for oil palm trees infected by Ganoderma which causes upper stem rot disease.

The technology, which uses the developed systemic hexaconazole fungicide, is effective as the upper stem rot-infected palms can successfully recover from the disease.

“The technology reduces the rate of infection by killing the Ganoderma fungus in oil palm trees,” the board said in a statement.

MPOB said in using the technology, it is recommended to dissolve hexaconazole (4.5-gramme active ingredient) in three litres of water and applied it three times at six-month intervals.

The trunk injection is carried out using pressure injection apparatus. Ganoderma fungus causes two main diseases on oil palm trees, namely, basal stem rot and upper stem rot.

MPOB director-general Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir said the increase in upper stem rot disease attacks has prompted its researchers to study control measures immediately.

“The use of hexaconazole fungicide is recommended to reduce the onset of the upper stem rot disease,” he said.

He explained that hexaconazole fungicide is recommended as it is a curative treatment for upper stem rot-infected palms. Hexaconazole can also extend the lifespan of diseased oil palm trees.

“In addition, no residue of hexaconazole poison is found in palm oil and it is safe for use,” he said.

The fungicide can also reduce the risk of spreading Ganoderma fungus in oil palm plantations, thus reducing the losses due to Ganoderma fungus attack.

Apart from using a chemical fungicide, both upper and basal stem rot diseases can be controlled with sanitation or destruction of Ganoderma inoculum sources, using biological agents such as endophytic or soil microorganisms, degrader and resistant oil palm materials.

The Ganoderma disease has affected 221,000 hectares of oil palm estates in Malaysia with an estimated loss of approximately RM1.5 billion per annum. – Bernama


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