Home Latest MPPSC recruitment 2022: Apply for 129 Sports Officer posts from April 28 onwards

MPPSC recruitment 2022: Apply for 129 Sports Officer posts from April 28 onwards

MPPSC recruitment 2022: Apply for 129 Sports Officer posts from April 28 onwards


Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has launched the notification for the Sports Officer Exam 2022. Eligible and candidates will have the ability to apply for the examination on the official web site mppsc.mp.gov.in from April 28 (5.00 PM) onwards. The final date to use for the examination is May 27 upto 12.00 PM.

Applicants will have the ability to make modifications to their utility types from April 28 to May 29, 2023, by paying the charge of Rs 50 per change.

The recruitment drive goals to replenish a complete of 129 vacancies.

Candidates ought to have attained the age of 21 years and shouldn’t be greater than the age of 40 years as on January 1, 2023. Candidates can test the emptiness particulars, eligibility standards, instructional qualification, and different particulars accessible within the notification under:

Here’s the official notification.


The candidates from SC/ST/OBC/PwD classes are required to pay the charge of Rs 250, whereas Rs 500 is relevant to candidates from different class candidates.

For extra particulars, candidates are suggested to go to the official web site here.

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