Home Latest MSHSAA board approves alternative schedules for schools cutting fall sports

MSHSAA board approves alternative schedules for schools cutting fall sports

MSHSAA board approves alternative schedules for schools cutting fall sports


COLUMBIA, Mo. — The Missouri State High School Activities Association Board of Directors have taken action to approve an alternate season for fall 2020 sports during the pandemic, according to a statement by the organization.

The board met virtually, Aug. 13 to allow schools who have cut fall sports to reschedule seasons for the spring.

“The traditional seasons are still being offered at this time for those schools able to participate,” MSHSAA Executive Director Dr. Kerwin Urhahn said. “Today’s action by the Bard of Directors puts into place a plan of action our staff devised in the event a school is not able to participate partially or in whole. This could give those students an opportunity to complete a season in their sport.”

Schools choosing to use the alternate fall season will automatically be included in the alternate spring season. Schools may opt out of any alternate spring season.

Some schools have had to cut fall sports entirely due to direction from health officials. While Missouri does not have any state guidance on the matter, some municipal governments have pushed tighter restrictions as cases in some counties have risen dramatically.

Missouri was placed on the White House Coronavirus Task Force “Red Zone” earlier this month, indicating a rapid rise in cases per capita.

Schools that have chosen to start with virtual learning are still allowed to participate in fall seasons.


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