Home Latest MSHSAA releases guidelines for opening sports and activities

MSHSAA releases guidelines for opening sports and activities

MSHSAA releases guidelines for opening sports and activities


Columbia, Mo. — The Missouri Sate High School Activities Association has released their guidelines and recommendations for opening sports.

The eight page document says, among other things, that if schools statewide were closed to in-person learning, MSHSAA would be unable to allow regular season or postseason series in sports and activities.

It goes on to say, schools offering virtual learning only, either temporarily or for the semester/year will not be able to offer sports and activities during that period.

If a player, coach, or administrator is confirmed to have COVID-19, those close or direct contact with the positive case should be excluded from games and practices for two weeks. If there was doubt of who the person came in contact with, then the entire team that practiced or competed with the individual should be quarantined for 14 days.

To take a look at the full release of recommendations, click here.


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