Home FEATURED NEWS muhtaque ahmad: Removed as Hockey India president because of my name and religion, alleges Mushtaque Ahmad | Hockey News – Times of India

muhtaque ahmad: Removed as Hockey India president because of my name and religion, alleges Mushtaque Ahmad | Hockey News – Times of India

muhtaque ahmad:  Removed as Hockey India president because of my name and religion, alleges Mushtaque Ahmad | Hockey News – Times of India


File image of former Hockey India president Mohd. Mushtaque Ahmad (Photo by Ali Bharmal/Getty Images for FIH)

NEW DELHI: Hockey India’s (HI) former president, Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad, who was recently told to resign midway in his tenure by the Sports Ministry, on Tuesday alleged that one of the reasons behind his removal as HI’s chief might have to do with his name and religion.
Mushtaque alleged that since he hails from a minority community, the ministry deliberately singled him out and asked to demit office as the HI president, a post he was holding in violation of the National Sports Development Code 2011.
In a five-page letter to the Sports Ministry on Tuesday, a copy of which is marked to minister Kiren Rijiju and secretary Ravi Mittal, Mushtaque alleged that the ministry’s arbitrary move smells of a “bad intention” against him because his name “seems to be a problem”.
“I would like to place on record my feeling that the ministry of youth affairs and sports’ (MoYAS) belated decision smells of bad intention against me as the president of HI being from the minority community, while presidents with names such as Sudhanshu Mittal (kho-kho association), Rajeev Mehta (fencing) and Anandeshwar Panday (secretary general, handball) are being given a free run to continue in spite of their violation of the sports code in their federations respectively. This makes me feel that by having a name as Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad seems to be a problem,” alleged Mushtaque’s letter, a copy of which is with TOI.
“I once again say that I have been deliberately penalised by your ministry because my name is Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad. I may be permitted to approach all the available forums, including the Prime Minister, if no satisfactory action/reply is received from the MoYAS,” his letter stated.
Mushtaque resigned as the HI president on July 7, 2020, a day after the ministry ordered HI to direct him to demit his president’s office.
Mushtaque, who was elected to the top post in October 2018, was serving his third straight term in the HI, without undergoing the mandatory cooling-off period of four years, according to the ministry. In its notice to HI, the ministry stated: “Mushtaque Ahmed had earlier served as treasurer in HI from 2010-2014 and secretary general from 2014-2018. The instant term 2018-2022 of Mushtaque as president is his third consecutive term in violation of the sports code”.
The sports code restricts the tenure of a treasurer and secretary general to two consecutive terms of four years followed by a cooling-off period of four years. Mushtaque served as a treasurer and secretary general for two consecutive terms of four years each and didn’t opt for the mandatory cooling-off period thereafter, while agreeing to accept the HI president’s role in his third term, according to the ministry. The ministry’s letter, dated July 6, had directed HI to conduct its fresh elections before September 30 for the 2018-2022 term.
Mushtaque, also the Indian Olympic Association’s (IOA) associate joint secretary, requested the ministry for the uniform implementation and compliance of the sports code by all the national sports federations (NSFs).
While alleging that the ministry played a “dirty game” with him, he sought explanation from the ministry on its letter dated 04.09.2018 issued before the elections of HI, which were held on 01.10.2018, clarifying that the proposed election would be HI’s second after the first electoral process held on 13.10.2014.
“In the background, I would like to draw your attention to the ministry’s letter dated 04.09.2018 issued before the election of HI held on 01.10.2018, clarifying that the proposed election would be second after the elections held on 13.10.2014. Had the MoYAS given me the correct picture, the embarrassment caused to me for 15 months and now at this stage of my age and, after serving the sports sector for so long without even a single charge, the exit in such a way is very painful when I have not committed any mistake. Why did the MoYAS play this dirty game with me?” he alleged.
“Further, the HI had immediately responded to MoYAS’ letter dated 13.02.2019 vide HI’s letter dated 23.02.2019. However, MoYAS took 15 months to take a decision in the matter and asked the HI to advise me to demit the post of president.
“I would like to have an answer from the MoYAS on the question when the HI submitted a response to MoYAS’ letter vide HI’s letter dated 23.02.2019, why the ministry waited for 15 months to take a decision in the matter? Further, I may be apprised of the relevant provision of the sports code, under which my tenure for the unrecognised period, i.e., 2010-2014 has been taken as my first tenure as the office-bearer,” he questioned.


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