Home Latest Mullvad vs. NordVPN: Two popular VPNs do battle

Mullvad vs. NordVPN: Two popular VPNs do battle

Mullvad vs. NordVPN: Two popular VPNs do battle


Updated to reflect the most recent versions of NordVPN and Mullvad.

Choosing a VPN is a challenge when there are so many available—as our comprehensive roundup of VPN reviews demonstrates. Everywhere you look online, some service is offering to help obfuscate your location and protect your browsing habits from internet service providers (ISP) and anyone else lurking around the web.

Before plunking down your cold hard credit card number, however, there are many questions to ask. Can you trust the company? What are the speeds like? Is there a desktop app and is it easy to use? How many country locations are there, and can you still watch Netflix while connected?

Let’s take a look at two of the most popular VPN choices—Mullvad and NordVPN (the former is our current top pick for a VPN)—to understand how they differ and figure out which one is right for you.

The Windows app

The primary way we interact with a VPN is through its desktop app. A bad app may not be a deal breaker, but something that’s easy to use just makes things simpler.

nordvpndashboard IDG

NordVPN’s default view.

NordVPN on Windows uses an interactive map to help you connect to the location you want. This can be a little overwhelming from the zoomed-out view (especially if you’re looking at Europe), but zoom in and everything becomes clearer. NordVPN also provides a list view of locations, as well as the ability to drill down into specific servers.

Mullvad offers a single-pane app with a non-interactive map. It’s a vast improvement over what the company had before, but it doesn’t quite rise to the level of NordVPN’s excellent mix of simplicity and power-user complexity.

Winner: NordVPN


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