Home FEATURED NEWS Narendra Modi writes: India’s G20 presidency, for the world

Narendra Modi writes: India’s G20 presidency, for the world



Today marks twelve months since India assumed the G20 presidency. It is a second to replicate, recommit, and rejuvenate the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — “One Earth, One Family, One Future”.

As we undertook this accountability final 12 months, the worldwide panorama grappled with multifaceted challenges: Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, looming local weather threats, monetary instability, and debt misery in creating nations — all amid declining multilateralism. In the midst of conflicts and competitors, growth cooperation suffered, impeding progress.

Assuming the G20 chair, India sought to supply the world an alternative choice to the established order, a shift from a GDP-centric to human-centric progress. India aimed to remind the world of what unites us, relatively than what divides us. Finally, the worldwide dialog needed to evolve — the pursuits of the few needed to give technique to the aspirations of the various. This required a elementary reform of multilateralism as we knew it.

Inclusive, formidable, action-oriented, and decisive — these 4 phrases outlined our strategy as G20 president, and the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration (NDLD), unanimously adopted by all G20 members, is testimony to our dedication to ship on these ideas.

Inclusivity has been on the coronary heart of our presidency. The inclusion of the African Union (AU) as a everlasting member of the G20 built-in 55 African nations into the discussion board, increasing it to embody 80 per cent of the worldwide inhabitants. This proactive stance has fostered a extra complete dialogue on world challenges and alternatives.

The first-of-its-kind ‘Voice of the Global South Summit’, convened by India in two editions, heralded a brand new daybreak for multilateralism. India mainstreamed the Global South’s considerations within the worldwide discourse and has ushered in an period the place creating nations take their rightful place in shaping the worldwide narrative.

Inclusivity additionally infused India’s home strategy to G20, making it a People’s Presidency that befits the world’s largest democracy. Through “Jan Bhagidari” (individuals’s participation) occasions, the G20 reached 1.4 billion residents, involving all states and Union Territories (UTs) as companions. And on substantive components, India ensured that worldwide consideration was directed to broader developmental goals, aligning with the G20’s mandate.

At the essential midpoint of the 2030 agenda, India delivered the G20 2023 Action Plan to Accelerate Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), taking a cross-cutting, action-oriented strategy to interconnected points, together with well being, schooling, gender equality and environmental sustainability.

A key space driving this progress is the sturdy Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). Here, India was decisive in its suggestions, having witnessed the revolutionary impression of digital improvements like Aadhaar, UPI, and Digilocker first-hand. Through the G20, we efficiently accomplished the Digital Public Infrastructure Repository, a big stride in world technological collaboration. This repository, that includes over 50 DPIs from 16 nations, will assist the Global South construct, undertake, and scale DPI to unlock the ability of inclusive progress.

For our One Earth, we launched formidable and inclusive goals to create pressing, lasting, and equitable change. The Declaration’s Green Development Pact addresses the challenges of selecting between combating starvation and defending the planet, by outlining a complete roadmap the place employment and ecosystems are complimentary, consumption is climate-conscious, and manufacturing is planet-friendly. In tandem, the G20 Declaration requires an formidable tripling of world renewable power capability by 2030. Coupled with the institution of the Global Biofuels Alliance and a concerted push for Green Hydrogen, the G20’s ambitions to construct a cleaner, greener world are simple. This has at all times been India’s ethos, and thru Lifestyles for Sustainable Development (LiFE), the world can profit from our age-old sustainable traditions.

Further, the Declaration underscores our dedication to local weather justice and fairness, urging substantial monetary and technological help from the Global North. For the primary time, there was a recognition of the quantum leap wanted within the magnitude of growth financing, transferring from billions to trillions of {dollars}. The G20 acknowledged that creating nations require $5.9 trillion to fulfil their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2030.

Given the monumental sources required, the G20 emphasised the significance of higher, bigger, and more practical Multilateral Development Banks. Concurrently, India is taking a number one function in UN reforms, particularly within the restructuring of principal organs just like the UN Security Council, that can guarantee a extra equitable world order.

Gender equality took centre stage within the Declaration, culminating within the formation of a devoted Working Group on the Empowerment of Women subsequent 12 months. India’s Women’s Reservation Bill 2023, reserving one-third of India’s Parliament and state legislative meeting seats for girls, epitomises our dedication to women-led growth.

The New Delhi Declaration embodies a renewed spirit of collaboration throughout these key priorities, specializing in coverage coherence, dependable commerce, and bold local weather motion. It is a matter of pleasure that in our presidency, G20 achieved 87 outcomes and 118 adopted paperwork, a marked rise from the previous.

During our G20 presidency, India led deliberations on geopolitical points and their impression on financial progress and growth. Terrorism and the mindless killing of civilians are unacceptable, and we should handle them with a coverage of zero tolerance. We should embody humanitarianism over hostility and reiterate that this isn’t an period of battle.

I’m delighted that in our presidency, India achieved the extraordinary: It revitalised multilateralism, amplified the voice of the Global South, championed growth, and fought for the empowerment of ladies all over the place.

As we hand over the G20 presidency to Brazil, we achieve this with the conviction that our collective steps for individuals, planet, peace, and prosperity, will resonate for years to return.

The author is Prime Minister of India

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